Killmefirst   United States
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Perfektionistin esittelykokonaisuus
Saavutukset täydellisissä peleissä
Jacket 10.8. klo 22.04 
hey its been about 3 years since we have last spoken but I havent forgotten about the 300 dollars you owe me after i got you the fur suit that you begged me for. i will not forget the gaslighting you used to get me to shell out the money for a pink and purple wolf head and tail that connects to who knows what. you may have changed your identity but i will never forget! :steamthumbsdown:
Arken 3.10.2023 klo 1.05 
you are good fight
NoTact 25.8.2023 klo 21.35 
Mad because small shoulders lol
rwtyler 25.8.2023 klo 21.30 
talks bigger than he is. Needs a microscope to see his ♥♥♥♥
NoTact 9.7.2023 klo 16.29 
Rofl says the coward who doesn't allow comments on his msg board :P Thanks for the easy bounty delivery! You have a great future with Uber
Periwinkle 9.7.2023 klo 16.16 
I am sure this man has a life. There's just something about this profile that screams "I DON'T live in my mommy's basement."