Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
greetings! / unlocked currently

you may ask yourself why my profile is usually set to max privacy. Maybe it also never came to you to ask yourself why you automatically need other people to prostitute every aspect of their assumingly genuine identity for others. Maybe, just maybe, you are so vicimized in your manic attitute to claim information on others because others convinced you to have lost your right to privacy along the line to show that you are politically correct. May i congratulate you to that shell of a person you're now, may all unnescessary trouble due to true individualism pass by you on the way to that preferred non-being. A clony loyal subject to a hierarchy, a hegemon could not have hoped for in a better way.

For everyone who still has his or her sense of privacy. You're welcome, contact me ;)
Currently Offline