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13 av 45 (29%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Successfully commandeer an enemy Carrier
Upplåst 21 dec, 2014 @ 20:55

Silent Heroes

Locate survivors from the Dead Zone drop
Upplåst 22 dec, 2014 @ 9:04

Lost Friends

Restore contact with Captain Aurora
Upplåst 22 dec, 2014 @ 10:02

Manhattan Project

Reassemble the Hammerhead Nuclear Missile system
Upplåst 26 dec, 2014 @ 11:47


Unleash the Lord of Death within you, eliminate Fulcrum's facilities
Upplåst 28 dec, 2014 @ 20:13

Face Off

Defeat the enemy Carrier in naval combat
Upplåst 28 dec, 2014 @ 20:25

Fly Swatter MK.I

Destroy 1 Manta from Direct Control
Upplåst 22 dec, 2014 @ 7:50

Bug Crusher MK.I

Destroy 1 Walrus from Direct Control
Upplåst 21 dec, 2014 @ 21:11

Bug Crusher MK.II

Destroy 100 Walruses from Direct Control
Upplåst 26 dec, 2014 @ 11:22

Barricade Blaster MK.I

Destroy 1 Turret from Direct Control
Upplåst 21 dec, 2014 @ 21:03

Barricade Blaster MK.II

Destroy 100 Turrets from Direct Control
Upplåst 23 dec, 2014 @ 7:04

Road Kill MK.I

Run over 1 enemy infantry unit
Upplåst 22 dec, 2014 @ 7:10

Air Strike MK.I

Destroy 1 Walrus using a Manta
Upplåst 22 dec, 2014 @ 11:50

Island Hopper

Capture over 250 islands
0 / 250

5 Finger Discount

Capture the enemy Stockpile


Mine over 1 million in resources
0 / 1,000,000

Hammers And Nails

Produce over 1000 items
0 / 1,000

Conqueror Of The Dead Zone

Capture all enemy islands in the Dead Zone

Hardcore MK.I

Capture 1 island without using load
0 / 1

Hardcore MK.II

Capture 3 islands without using load
0 / 3

Hardcore MK.III

Capture 5 islands without using load
0 / 5

Iron Fist MK.I

Capture 1 island with a Strong defense
0 / 1

Iron Fist MK.II

Capture 10 islands with a Strong defense
0 / 10

Iron Fist MK.III

Capture 50 islands with a Strong defense
0 / 50

Bunker Buster MK.I

Capture 1 island with a Very Strong defense
0 / 1

Bunker Buster MK.II

Capture 10 islands with a Very Strong defense
0 / 10

Bunker Buster MK.III

Capture 25 islands with a Very Strong defense
0 / 25

Balls Of Steel MK.I

Capture 1 island with a Deadly defense
0 / 1

Balls Of Steel MK.II

Capture 10 islands with a Deadly defense
0 / 10

Balls Of Steel MK.III

Capture 25 islands with a Deadly defense
0 / 25

Fly Swatter MK.II

Destroy 100 Mantas from Direct Control
86 / 100

Fly Swatter MK.III

Destroy 1000 Mantas from Direct Control
86 / 1,000

Bug Crusher MK.III

Destroy 1000 Walruses from Direct Control
214 / 1,000

Barricade Blaster MK.III

Destroy 1000 Turrets from Direct Control
293 / 1,000

Road Kill MK.II

Run over 50 enemy infantry units
6 / 50

Road Kill MK.III

Run over 100 enemy infantry units
6 / 100

Air Strike MK.II

Destroy 100 Walruses using a Manta
6 / 100

Air Strike MK.III

Destroy 1000 Walruses using a Manta
6 / 1,000

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