|CoR| Lt-Psyco-elmo*GI*
No information given.
Currently Offline
Lawdog77777 20 Jul, 2022 @ 8:36am 
I pray you are ok. 512 days you haven't been on. May God Bless you where ever you are.
Sore Throat Spray 31 May, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
Guess your not around anymore buddy, hope your ok. Have a wonderful time and rest of life if we dont speak again! Was very fun praying with everyone and reaching out through games. God bless brother!
Sore Throat Spray 20 Jun, 2021 @ 3:56pm 
Hey man! CoR! I used to be called Blackbird. Are they still around?
uncle frank 2 Aug, 2010 @ 7:59pm 
Hey Maj-Psyco-elmo how are you? Its been awhile. Got a Q for you. I haven't been playing DOD because of Major LAG and it's not the server where would you start to fix this problem?