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1 person found this review helpful
462.1 hrs on record (40.9 hrs at review time)
Sehr gutes VR-FPS-PVP Spiel als Vr-Spieler sicherlich eines der "Pflichtspiele"
Posted 24 May, 2023.
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2.6 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Kompetitiver Shooter mit solidem Grundgerüst und viel Potenzial.
Man darf nicht vergessen, dass das Spiel gerade erst von der "internen" Alpha in den Early Access gegangen ist.
Es ist ein kleiner Entwickler, daher wird noch viel passieren und der Early Access wahrscheinlich Jahre andauern.
Aber ich werde ist während der Zeit spielen und genießen so lange man schöne ART-Server findet.
Posted 28 November, 2022.
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2,167.4 hrs on record (682.4 hrs at review time)
einer der VR-Programme die meiner Meinung nach jeder SteamVR-Nutzer haben sollte.
Posted 12 October, 2020.
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0.3 hrs on record
I love it. Nearly as mutch as Alyx itself
Posted 11 July, 2020.
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14.8 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Declaimer: I got the game kind of free because i bought the index HMD and Controller at release day… so kind of free…

However: I played the game for over 6 hour’s straight. I had to stop because my controller power died. First the left one went out of power and I really considered for a moment to play it with one arm.
So now I’m back from the virtual reality… And I’m sad! I honestly don’t know how to describe the game property.
… A masterpiece… the game of the year in VR for sure and it won’t be the (normal) game of the year just for the reason so please the masses how haven’t gotten a VR-Headset jet.
The game is rich of story and absolutely story driven. It has just the right amount of horror to still be playable by the majority of players. It’s the true next Half Life in any way.
It’s truly the next step after the source-engine with HL2.
It’s a gaming revolution.
And I love that there is extra HUD and Layout and movement smoothing for the viewers. It’s really the first game in VR that absolutely and vanilla stream able. That’s the way to go to get the masses so understand and love VR. The ability to share this game-experience natively in this quality is amassing.
The game is the next step in VR-gaming. Any other VR game after this will have to adapt to these new standards this game set.

Ok… enough of my fan-boy-talk. Here at least a view fact:
The movement is absolute perfect. You can switch between 4 different Movement-methods. The options make it enjoyable for nobies and veterans of VR.
I played with the index controllers but I haven’t found a gameplay-nessesary reason why other controllers should have problems. But of cause there are thinks that you can only so with the index controllers and they are fun. (For example you can crush cans)
My resume is simple: If you have a VR headset buy this game its absolutely worth it. I can’t imagine a reason to own a VR-Headset and not playing this game.
Is it worth to buy VR for? I don’t know.
If you thought about getting VR before HL-Alyx it’s a perfect reason to get I now.
If HL-Alyx is the only reason to get VR I can give you this tip: in Europe and in America you can rent a VR-Headset for a month or 2 for quite a reasonable price. Rent it, test it, if you like it buy it. It’s that simple…

I my opinion it was a shame that index buyers got it for free. I know index is expensive but a think a 50% discount or something like that would be enough. I had played the game price for the first 6 hour alone
Posted 23 March, 2020.
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