RomanOnFire 27. led. v 18.58 
+rep almost to 1000 games :meowing_cat::megamanjump:
Aelooney 6. led. v 18.55 
-rep a zombie AND a wizard? impossible:steamfacepalm:
zombiewizard45 24. lis. 2024 v 1.16 
900 games for no other reason than to say I have them
Hako 9. říj. 2022 v 11.19 
800 games, the next goal is 900!
zombiewizard45 20. zář. 2021 v 22.56 
700 games, when did this happen? No, really. I just noticed.
zombiewizard45 21. lis. 2020 v 22.15 
600 games?! This is getting out of hand. Well, it would be getting out of hand if it weren't for the fact that you could download all of them onto a stack of microSD cards pinched between two fingers.
zombiewizard45 15. dub. 2020 v 22.16 
I have 500 Steam games so I'm legally allowed to leave