hali 1 ago 2020, ore 9:01 
Not only Alex is smart, patient and very respectful, he is also insanely disciplined and intelligent. I am recommending his coaching services and I highly recommend watching his replays as he is very precise and skilled player.

I would give him 11/10 easily and that is not even half of it.
可愛い✠ 11 lug 2020, ore 15:13 
best coach eu +rep :heartb::heartg::heartpr:
23 21 feb 2020, ore 0:30 
my favorite coach :)
chaks 17 set 2017, ore 12:17 
Very organised, intelligent, and respectful person :redlightorb:
ZoGraF 19 lug 2017, ore 1:57 
Friend list full of good peeps, ez life!
critzkk 17 lug 2017, ore 19:25 
+rep can confirm great coach, and would recommend him any day =) :d2axe: