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61.7 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
I don’t know if I’m just easy to please, but the performance on my RTX 3060 and Intel Core i7 (a mid-range PC from 2023) is great and rarely drops below 60 FPS on high settings. I play on an ultra-wide monitor. So far, I haven’t had any technical issues, and my PC stays cool and quiet.

The only downside: multiplayer. Once you get the hang of it, it’s totally fine, but it’s unnecessarily complicated.

As for the combat: it’s incredibly immersive, fast-paced, and impressive. The musical and visual presentation—especially for the Apex monsters—is outstanding. I really hope the monsters will get even harder, like in the old days. As a PSP veteran, the low-rank difficulty feels way too easy right now.

Still, this is probably my GOTY.

Posted 28 February.
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140.6 hrs on record (43.9 hrs at review time)
Die Welt ist echt schön. Im Vergleich zu Genre-Giganten echt klein, aber vollgepackt mit Inhalten. Sobald der Server bestimmte Meilensteine erreicht, werden neue Inhalte für alle Spieler des Servers frei. Auf den Early-Access Servern sind wir gerade mal beim dritten von sechs Meilensteinen angekommen!

Die 50+ Dungeons sind verdammt anspruchsvoll und machen Laune. PVP habe ich bisher nur ausprobiert, als ich noch maßlos unterlevelt war und deshalb nicht die schönste Erfahrung gemacht.

Raidbosse und Weltbosse sind etwas wenig interaktiv und die Instanzen können noch betreten werden, obwohl sie lt. Spiel "voll" sind. Die Masse der Spieler in den einzelnen WB-Instanzen führt dann gerne mal zu disconnects und nicht aushaltbaren Lags und Freezes.

Unterm Strich: Spielt sich gut, P2W ist auf ein Minimum reduziert und war überraschend wenig, PVE ist gut durchdacht und enthält viel Content, Soundtrack ist Bombe und der Fokus auf Gilde gefällt mir sehr.
Für ein F2P-MMO auf jeden Fall einen Abstecher wert!
Posted 30 September, 2024.
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45.4 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
Das Spiel bedient dieses spezielle Bedürfnis, eine Mischung aus Tales, Genshin und Monster Hunter zu spielen, von dem ich gar nicht wusste, dass ich es hatte. Starkes Game! Kannte Granblue vorher nicht, aber einfach nice! Vollpreis, aber keine Mikrotransaktionen, kein Battlepass und bei Bedarf inklusives Gameplay. Solche Spiele müssen wir fördern! Danke CyGames :)
Posted 4 February, 2024.
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28.3 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just played for an hour but I'm hooked. The little Village right after the tutorial was quite lively. I made two friends in a radius of 50m around the starting area and had the time of my life flying and spiderman-ing around with my grapling hook, slaying monsters with airstrikes :D In the hub of that village were some high level players talking. Got told in the community discord that after an update the masses chill in another city. Will have to play to that point. But even with one or two good friends this game makes a great coop vr experience that is no sandbox game. Can recommend!

It's like everyday I log in I meet someone new to spend some time with. This game is literally VRChat with the MMO as an objective.
I didn't have that much fun gaming in a long time!
For the content: I played for 13 hours and didn't even see like 20% of the map. Didn't play dungeons and raids either but I'm taking my time.
If you don't log on in the evening you will experience a hard time finding players deeper in "the wilds". The playerbase seems stable and there are huge guilds. They are mainly around the endgame hub, raiding and doing dungeons though. So in its current state I'd recommend bringing some friends to play with or join the official discord to join a guild and get guidance.

Don't forget that this game is in its early access and probably stay in it for a while longer. The game is huge in though for it being a VRMMO and brings you more content than any other game out there in VR space (without mods).
So: Have fun with this game! Make some friends along the way and enjoy the ride until it will release some day and probably get tons of new players then :)

My friends had to stop playing because of motion sickness. It seems like I'm immune to that. So I played through the second area alone. I found an overworld dungeon with pretty hard mobs and just now realized how to use all of my skills to beat them (playing the ninja class). Through the story quests I was able to unlock the first (2-player)dungeon. I got instantly queued with a random player who turned out to be german as me. He explained the dungeon to me and showed me the mechanics through voice chat. The dungeon wanted me to take out my throwing skills and hit moving targets with it. Also we needed to destroy robots to get some batteries. The boss required communication. While it had different AoE-Attacks there were some kind of snipers on flying islands around the boss-arena, trying to snipe us. The enemies seemed to lock target with the player standing with the back to them. Red lines indicated the incoming shot so we had to warn each other of being targeted. Had a great time in the dungeon. Now I'm continuing the story quests and try to catch them all (the game has a built-in monster catch minigame. You basically get some kind of pokeball from daily quests you can throw at future pets. If you caught enough of them, you level up their tier. Hitting a specific tier with little monsters allows you to summon them as your pet. They come with their own level. Petting them when they are sad and taking them with you while adventuring levels them up. They have different perks you can level. The only one I can summon is a butterfly right now but its noticing me when a collectible or chest is nearby.)

Also I tried cooking for the first time. While it's an exhausting task, it's still fun.
You can summon a cooking station. Select a recipe, read the steps and try it out. For a cookie I had to power the station with energy, then put milk in a pot, cook it through (be careful not to burn the milk), fry some flour in a pan and put everything with some sugar in the cauldron. Voila. A cookie :D
Especially the chopping and cooking in the pan require actual cooking RL movements. So it feels nice (but it's exhausting as well). Still a plus.
Will try out the housing system next.
Posted 30 October, 2023. Last edited 6 November, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 30 Oct, 2023 @ 1:38pm (view response)
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29.9 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Got bored of any game lately.
I thought I'm a grown up man now, having to abandon gaming and stuff.

NEVERMIND! Played 5 hours straight and love it!
Posted 12 October, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
157.4 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
Bin 1678 zum Mars geflogen und habe dort eine Kolonie gegründet.
10/10 would recommend for Geschichte-Unterricht.
Posted 27 November, 2016.
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9.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ich empfehle das Spiel ZURZEIT nicht. Bis jetzt steht der Preis nicht im Verhältnis zum Spielerlebnis. Die Auswahl der Attraktionen, Dekorationen, Themen und Achterbahnen ist viel zu gering, viele Bugs vermiesen einem den Spaß und einige Werkzeuge sind noch sehr unausgereift.

Aaaaaaaber... Das Spiel zeigt wiederrum sehr positive Ansätze. Die Dekorationen die einem zur Verfügung stehen, sind sehr schön, genauso wie die Grafik. Auch das freie Setzen der einzelnen Gegenstände ist gut gelöst. Der Baumodus der Achterbahnen ist erstmal sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber mit etwas Übung sehr stark gemacht, obwohl die Übergänge der Schienenelemente mir noch zu ruckelig sind.

Ich hoffe, dass Atari da noch nachlegt, denn wie das Spiel im Moment ist, ist es einfach nur eine Frechheit.
Posted 3 April, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries