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Recent reviews by DRINHO DO DRY

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45.2 hrs on record (42.1 hrs at review time)
Um dos melhores jogos que ja joguei na minha vida, o combate dessa porra é surreal, o melhor da from.
Posted 16 March.
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58.0 hrs on record (54.7 hrs at review time)
apos platina essa obra de arte, so tenho uma coisa a dizer. Rdr1 é tao bom quanto o Rdr2, jogo maravilhoso, Jhon > arthur, a unica coisa ruim desse game é o preço abusivo.
Posted 14 February.
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22.5 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
No geral é the last né, jogo impecavel, infelizmente é necessario um foguete pra rodar bem esse jogo.
Posted 16 May, 2024.
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396.2 hrs on record (50.2 hrs at review time)
melhor jogo da historia, tem indígena, tem caipira, tem miliciano,tem romance e tem uma gangue corrupta
Posted 20 March, 2023.
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23.5 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
coringa payaso tentando passar o batman cv matei aqle louco de cabelo verde viado
Posted 24 January, 2022.
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6.6 hrs on record (4.6 hrs at review time)
deixa os trouxa na coleira qvs KKKKKKKK
Posted 7 January, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
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13.3 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
krl mlk jogo bom da porra matando os animal slk churrasquin ai tem uns indigena querendo me mata KKKKKKKKKK
Posted 7 January, 2022.
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37.5 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
bate bola slk mto foda perde fica tiltado e quebrar o controle diversão
Posted 7 January, 2022.
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90.8 hrs on record (23.6 hrs at review time)
vc tem dado em casa ? o cara fazendo pacto com demonio KKKKKKKKKKKK cuphead anti cristo
Posted 9 June, 2021. Last edited 25 January, 2022.
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44.9 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
jogo bom mano max calvo KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK o careca tem passado triste ai conhece o viadinho la e tem q matar os pau no cu do brasil
Posted 22 April, 2021. Last edited 25 January, 2022.
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