BOT hans
-novid -high +cl_forcepreload 1 -snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2 -snd_front_headphone_position 45 -snd_rear_headphone_position 135 -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd -console -freq 75

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bind "0" "viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 1; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5";

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bind"8" "kill";
bind "9" "cl_showpos 1";
snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2;
snd_front_headphone_position 45;
snd_rear_headphone_position 135;
bind mwheelup +jump; bind mwheeldown +jump

cl_crosshaircolor 5;
cl_crosshaircolor_r 255;
cl_crosshaircolor_g 100;
cl_crosshaircolor_b 255;

sensitivity 2.1;
m_rawinput 0;
m_mouseaccel1 0;
m_mouseaccel2 0;
windows_speaker_config 1;
snd_mixahead 0.05;
snd_musicvolume 0.06;
snd_headphone_pan_exponent 2;
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight 1;
cl_autowepswitch 0;
cl_autohelp 0;
cl_showhelp 0;
cl_righthand 1;
cl_forcepreload 1;
hud_showtargetid 0;
fps_max 300;
net_graph 1;
net_allow_multicast 1;
net_graphheight 50;
net_graphmsecs "400";
net_graphpos 1;
net_graphproportionalfont 0;
net_graphshowinterp 1;
net_graphshowlatency 1;
net_graphsolid 1;
net_graphtext 1;
net_maxroutable 1200;
net_scale 5;
net_steamcnx_allowrelay 1;
mm_dedicated_search_maxping 90;
mm_session_search_ping_limit 50;
cl_radar_scale 0.4;
cl_radar_rotate 1;
cl_radar_always_centered 1;
cl_radar_scale 0.5;
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.5;

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