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15 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
The first half of the game was poorly paced, and the second half was poorly executed, with sporadic writing throughout. The characters are neither as enticing as in previous expansions, nor are their motivations well-established. I find it interesting when the Scions interject in the dialogue with, "Hmm, wait a minute. I was thinking that if you do this, won't you just be doomed to fail?" Meanwhile, the antagonist of whichever storyline would just scoff and simply say, "Whatever, bro."

Good writing is characterized by several key elements that enhance clarity, engagement, and effectiveness. In past expansions, relevance and depth were key points that established why the characters would act in a certain manner. This expansion maintains that in a very sporadic manner. Some antagonists do have their motivations and reasoning, but they lack sophistication. They act like toddlers, which is strange given that previous antagonists all had some sort of reason for their actions. Even in the 6.x patches, the characters had this basic fundamental.

I see a lot of reviewers pointing out that this isn’t Endwalker; it’s a new chapter, etc. But tell me, when an author of a book changes their writing style, appeals to naivety, and references the previous expansions poorly, why is this given a pass? This isnt ARR, which is funny because the narrative of ARR builds upon the events of 1.0. Characters who survived the Calamity often refer to the past events and their experiences during the original game's timeline. Scattered throughout the world of ARR are memorials and remnants of the original game. These serve as in-game acknowledgments of the past and the transition to the new era. Why cant it be done here? This new chapter in our adventure?

I won't continue to explain why the expansion is a bad addition, but when I talked with someone else, they brought up an interesting point. This isn't XIV for those who played the game and waited for the expansion. This is XIV for those who are new and have completed the story and crave more content. I can see that being a valid case. However, the characters and the story itself are too poor. It's as if you were served a five-star meal and then given a two-star appetiser. For us, we were waiting a while for the five-star appetiser. Instead, we got something moldy and uncooked. Which is to say, this is a 2/5 for me.
Posted 2 July, 2024. Last edited 2 July, 2024.
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36.6 hrs on record
I love this series, so bashing the game is really easy to do when you've completed the original game and the sequel, human revolution. I think this game is a good sequel to human revolution.

The gameplay describes itself as "you can do anything" shoot the enemy, avoid the enemy, or talk with the enemy. I don't think concept is inherently bad but because it provides the ability to do anything; its bad because the gameplay turns shallow really quick. I think what really made the game stand out for me is playing with true pacifism (i.e sneaking around and only knocking people out if it's really necessary) not just taking out a tranquilizer rifle, shooting someone, and leaving their body to be investigated by the CSI miami team.

The graphics are very gorgeous, I don't have a single complaint about playing the game with the highest setting. The assets are well done and you can tell that the artists really cared for their work.

The story is probably the worst part about the game, in human revolution the game had a beginning and an end. the story had a good exposition and denouncement. I feel like the developers and writers left the game at the point before climax and said "screw it, we'll make more money with a sequel". The sidequests are the best part of the game, they actually deliver stories that you can invest in and take interest while the main story is vague from start to finish.

I dont think theres a single person out there that will remember this game 3-5 years later when the sequel comes out or if it does come out. therefore I don't understand the choices behind the story of the game. I recommend this game with two conditions, hardest setting and with a good discount. I dont think its worth the full price.
Posted 25 April, 2018. Last edited 25 April, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
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273.8 hrs on record (95.0 hrs at review time)
-200 years into my destiny
-cousin tries to seduce me
-shes 16 and my character is 62
-she gets pregnant
-suddenly all of my children from other spouses start dying
-only one kid left to inheriet
-hes inbred
-hes also the demon lord satan
-character dies at the age of 82
-i become the inbred demon lord satan

10/10 completely worth it
Posted 21 April, 2018.
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10 people found this review helpful
13.8 hrs on record
Unfortuntely the lazy design really makes the game tedious and superfluous to deal with. I want to say I like it but there are too many fundementally flawed mechanics, such as everything is literally random aside from building your village. I think I had to reset my run 3 times just to get decent rng, even so I dont get the point of the story.

The villian in this game is pretty bland and you never see him more than once (ive gotten decently far, I think) and the purpose of the villian is just to defeat him because hes a very angry dictator with a mean attitude. The game is very fun for the first few hours till you realize youre just micromanaging for the sake of micromanaging with no rewards and just rng up the anus(example: you can cook 5 fish for 4 people and only get 2 well done meals or you can just reload the situation and 5 well done meals. Fun stuff). Kinda like hearthstone, except there's no other opponent to ♥♥♥♥ on.

Wish steam would allow a "meh" button already, because the game deserves that instead of a complete thumbs down.
Posted 21 April, 2018.
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22.3 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Poorly optimized. Seems like the publishers said screw it lets get it to pc and the development team didnt give a single ♥♥♥♥ about porting the game properly. When Dark Souls originally released I remember the game having the same issues. However the main difference between DS and nier is the god awful "loading.." screens. Every time the games engine tries to upload the assets I just wana alt f4.

Gameplay on hard is pretty much the standard dodge or you get one shot. I dont mind this as it does raise awareness and it gives you that sense of danger but im highly discourged from playing on very high due to the dodge mechanics(double tapping). I just dont think double tapping to dodge is a good mechanic in general.

Despite its flaws, i think spending money on it at a discount price is probably the best choice. I think I only wrote this review because of the poor opitmization. I think the developers could have taken more time to get a good PC port like other developers do but it was probably publisher pressure.
Posted 20 March, 2018. Last edited 20 March, 2018.
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168.0 hrs on record (164.6 hrs at review time)
The game is spectacular, it's one of the best games i have ever played and I highly recommend it. One thing I would argue that heart of stone is a better than the main plotline, but this game is probably my contender for the best game this decade. I can only see fallout: new vegas comparing to this giant.
Posted 16 March, 2018. Last edited 21 March, 2018.
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2,744.6 hrs on record (2,693.8 hrs at review time)
"Do you recommend this game?"

I recommend drenching your eye sockets with bleach before trying this game.
Posted 6 February, 2015.
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63.8 hrs on record
I died and had fun for seven dollars.
Posted 16 July, 2013.
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