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180.6 hrs on record (86.4 hrs at review time)
Amazing how a game that has little changes from its previous iteration manages to become significantly worse than its predecessor. A patch to fix one issue can magically bring up another that affects the frame rate of your game regardless of the setting.

Last but not least, servers are still horrible despite them knowing that certain time periods(TOTY, etc) will see significantly higher server loads in bursts, and yet nothing will ever be done about this.
Posted 29 January.
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273.6 hrs on record (247.7 hrs at review time)
Other large monsters invading and deciding to team up against you seem to happen relatively often, meaning that you are forced to disengage unless you have dungpods on the ready. Biggest offender of this may be the "When the Mist Taketh You" quest in Iceborne, where you are more often than not fighting a Shrieking Legiana, and a normal Legiana.

Shrieking Legiana alone is very annoying due to iceblight and the infinite amount of shrieks he does, he may as well be an Ice Khezu.

Update(Pre-Fatalis/AT Velkhana)
With more hours into this game(~200hrs at the time of this update), it feels like I've gotten more of a grasp into this game, while my original recommendation still stands, I do feel that some aspects of this game's world that is commonly praised also have a downside to them, mostly to do with the locales within the game.

The ancient forest is a pretty big locale that I think some may find annoying because of how twisted the paths in it can be, but my main gripe with this map has to do with the sheer amount of foliage in this game(and ledges, which I'll get to later). While it does help to build upon the grandeur of the map, helping it live up to its namesake when it comes to exploration, I think this may be the single biggest downside of the map if you ever have to actually fight something here. More often than not, you're likely to find that your camera has been obstructed by the foliage when dancing around with monsters in battle, which may or may not get you carted depending on your luck.

Another point regarding the local ecology, which encompasses all locales, are the small monsters that reside in these regions. More often than not, they end up being a hindrance to the flow of the battle(and in some cases, with monsters like Girros, will straight up get you killed), smaller monsters may obstruct your view on occasion(flying monsters in the Elder's Recess is a prime example), whilst large monsters could straight up push you away or block your attack. For a game often praised for its ability to make the in-game world feel real, it does feel like they missed the point with making these monsters stick around while you are busy fighting a monster that could kill them with a stray attack.

Lastly, ledges. I cannot put it into words how much of a double-edged sword ledges are, offensively they are a great addition for some weapons(from what I've heard, I play bow, but melees seem to benefit from them), while on other ocacsions, they will quite literally get you killed. God forbid you accidentally dodge and sprint onto a ledge, causing you to jump off/climb up, getting you killed at a moment that should've been a few seconds of reprise due to a well timed dodge.

In hindsight, this game deserves the flowers it has been showered with, the praises sung for it can easily be witnessed when you play the game(no matter if you have just started, or are a seasoned veteran). But I do feel that some aspects do get stale over time. Having to obtain the tracks for monsters to identify their location does highlight the "hunt" pat of "Monster Hunter" but after a while, you will recognize that most monsters have a few areas in which they will show-up. Legiana in the coral highlands feels like they are guaranteed to spawn in the same 3 areas, Diablos more often than not is in the sandy areas of the Wildspire Waste, whereas some monsters like Rathalos may force your hand as they are more likely to roam around a large portion of the map.

In conclusion, Monster Hunter is a great game, the grounded and slower-paced combat fits well with the attempts to make the world feel realistic(much to my dismay in some heated moments), it definitely has a great gameplay loop when it comes to hunting monsters(well msot monsters) to grind. Even if I feel like there are some questionable choices for the endgame bosses, the game still feels rewarding when you manage to nail down aspects of certain fights, such as learning and punishing movesets.

Although, if you prefer faster-paced "Arcadey" combat, MH Rise definitely feels like a better option, despite its watered down graphics(thanks to the Switch being a potato), I personally think the endgame bosses(Risen Elders and such) are a very fun experience once you get used to them. Although, base Rise may feel like a slog to get through, Sunbreak is definitely a top-tier experience.(Ibushi, Narwa, and Amatsu are definitely one of the elder dragons of all time :))

Update(Post-Fatalis/AT Velkhana)
The final 2 hunts have a big jump in difficulty compared to the ones that came before it. These hunts are definitely a stressful experience, where as Velkhana is a faster and more painful version of its base form, Fatalis is a monster than requires you to learn openings and exploit them accordingly. Overall these hunts are great, but they are marred by factors such as 30-min time limit for both, and obstructions(visual and physical) for Velkhana.

But should you manage to complete the hunt, it does feel very rewarding and you'll more likely than not, find it significantly easier than in your first clear.

Although I still think making the head HZV 1 off of allowing WEX to trigger for ranged is kinda unfair(on top of bow being literally dodge or die).
Posted 13 November, 2024. Last edited 2 February.
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343.0 hrs on record (214.7 hrs at review time)
This years game has to be the worst game they have released in recent time, this game is genuinely most deserving of the worst game they have ever released. Had it not gone 70% off in a sale, there would genuinely be 0 reason for a rational person to purchase this game. Even now I find it hard to justify buying this game with 70% off.

Somehow they have managed to make a game-mode which might as well not exist in their eyes worse. Career mode has gotten little to no change outside of questionable UI-changes in the past few years. And yet they have made it worse than last years edition.

The gameplay compared to past years feel significantly worse, against AI you have old issues which have not been resolved like midfielders not tracking back to defend. Online against other players, you better pray to god before your game starts that your players haven't been replaced with lookalikes from a retirement home. One game you can have something that could represent a decent implementation of a football game, the next game you are controlling a football team who decided to play with ice-skates, and have been played in an rink.

I doubt that the AI has changed much, but the way in which it has been programmed, has led to cheesy tactics such as switching play by crossing it across field because your defender on the opposite flank decided that the opponent deserves a free run at the wing.

This issue is compounded by the fact that EA has made it impossible to play through the middle, even if playing through the middle is significantly more difficult in real life, that does not justify the opposition striker nailing a perfect standing tackle from behind on my midfielder running full steam away from him.

Corners are also victim to cheese tactics, now people just bring their keepers out and there's nothing you can do, unless you curve it precisely into the goal, or give a good delivery to unfavorable spots on the near or far post, the only option to not needlessly lose the ball is to play it short.

Which opens up another stupid avenue of attacking, after playing it short you get the option to just cross it to the back post from the half-space at the edge of the box, and you'd miraculously get a free header.

Even basically mechanics such as shooting and passing is victim to the whims of EAs horrible game, in one game you can score every other shot, and yet you can load into the next match and your player decided that he was Nicholas Jackson.

Passing, there's 2 issues with passing, first we have the animation for your player to actually take a pass, sometimes your player can pass like a normal human being, with leg movement like you'd expect, the next moment you'd think that a ghost was hugging his foot based on how long it takes for him to actually take the pass. Next you have the actual aiming and speed of the pass, I refuse to believe that TOTY Lahm, who has 87 passing, not the best but definitely still good, would misplace a ground pass to his midfield partner standing a few meters in-front of him, and yet that ball has made its way to an opposition player now running full tilt at my 2 defenders who have the reaction speed of a decrepit nan.

Passing speed also feels wildly inconsistent, it feels like the amount you put into the pass does not determine the power of the pass, but rather where it goes. You could put a pass with 2/4 bars so that its fast enough to reach your player, but not too fast where he can't control it, end up as a misplaced pass with no speed that according to passing AI, was meant for the player behind my intended pass target.

Oh and its usual business with defending.
Posted 7 May, 2024.
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62.3 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's scary until you get the crucifix, jesus is your best friend
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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14.8 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Keep your houses heated
Posted 18 March, 2023.
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145.2 hrs on record (75.7 hrs at review time)
RDR Remastered when?
Posted 17 February, 2023.
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701.7 hrs on record (202.1 hrs at review time)
A game made and run by a bunch of wanking ♥♥♥♥♥, with gameplay quality as consistent as the turds leaving their asses.
Posted 5 December, 2022.
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315.0 hrs on record (275.4 hrs at review time)
Your team's AI can't defend for ♥♥♥♥
Posted 28 October, 2021.
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8.0 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
saber is invisible in one fight for me 10/10
Posted 30 September, 2021.
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27.0 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 7 July, 2021.
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