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10.5 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
Descend into darkness once more
Somewhat surprised at how it feels like a traditional and mostly undaring follow-up; I was under the impression they wanted to truly rustle some jimmies with this one.

That being said, it is still a suspenseful, affecting and harrowing journey that I recommend to anyone who has enjoyed Frictional's previous work, or any of the billion modern horror games inspired by the original Dark Descent. Just don't expect to have your bean fundamentally freaked or your steak sizzled into submission.

(I can see why some would feel let down, considering the legacy of the previous game. Frankly, even though I ultimately enjoyed the game, I was a bit disappointed it did not turn my brain into pudding.)
Posted 21 October, 2020. Last edited 21 October, 2020.
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24.4 hrs on record (17.7 hrs at review time)
A pretty potent space-ninja simulator, with unique atmosphere & art direction. Has accumulated a fairly large quantity of stuff over the years, for good and ill. Can feel a bit cumbersome and grindy. And in my mind it gets repetitive before too long. But of course, for the price of $0, it is certainly worth checking out to experience the joy of wildly jumping, wall-running & dashing all over while finely puréeing your foes.
Posted 1 December, 2019.
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12.5 hrs on record
Beautiful! A relentlessly positive, optimistic and hopeful game.
Continues to surprise and delight throughout. :'D
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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182.2 hrs on record (62.9 hrs at review time)
More Hitman in the vein of the previous game ("HITMAN"), that is to say: it absolutely rules, holy crap!

If you are unfamiliar with the series, it can be broadly described as a stealth-action sandbox/playground with adventure game elements, with a main character who is a "master of disguise" (who can perfectly assume any role that is required of him, often to humorous effect) and missions set in sprawling (but dense) and varied locales, with a variety of jerks to hit in creative ways. These games are occupy a niche of their own, there really isn't anything else quite like them. (Except the heavily Hitman-inspired "Death to Spies")

You are incentivized to return to missions to try out different techniques and playstyles, allowing the true splendor and scope of each scenario to reveal itself. It is simultaneously wonderfully systems-driven and contains a wild amount bespoke, scripted events and hand-crafted content.

Hey, I just really like it, guy.
Posted 26 November, 2018. Last edited 26 November, 2018.
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151.7 hrs on record (149.4 hrs at review time)
Hits every mark
Now, I'm a decently sized Hitfan, and this might not just be my favourite game of 2016,
but my fav Hitman game? Which is dangerously high praise, I know, considering Blood Money is legendary and 2016 has been a excellent year for games.

It's just a legitimately amazing game! Occasionally astonishing in its breadth & depth:
Both in bespoke scripted events and dynamic systems, and in its gorgeous, lovingly crafted environments. Though a lot of it would be moot if the core gameplay was not as solid and uproariously enjoyable as it is.

IO has succeeded in crafting a delicious murder sandbox: a variety of tools and weapons, dynamic AI and various systems that you can experiment and play with,
leading to spontaneous fun and emergent gameplay. This allows you the freedom be the perfect ghost that does not leave a trace, or a sort of bumbling, homocidial Mr. Bean.

Listen, the game rocks. If you have any interest in stealth-action sandbox-goodness, HITMAN is your jam!

2017 update: The game continues to be phenomenal, and IO has done a fantastic job maintaining it. The new Patient Zero & GOTY Ed.-additions are short but sweet, and has some fun variations on the standard gameplay. (I quite enjoy how one of the Patient Zero missions is, straight up, a new Hitman Sniper Challenge level)
Posted 28 November, 2016. Last edited 25 November, 2017.
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9.1 hrs on record
While SquareCells does perhaps not reach the same level of puzzle-euphoria as developer Matthew Brown's Hexcells games, it is still a very cool puzzle game. If the Hexcells games are (broadly) a sort of riff on Minesweeper (except good) then this is a take on Picross/Nonograms.

Like Brown's previous games SquareCells also has a very clean, minimalist presentation, and a calm, meditative atmosphere thanks to its ethereal music and sound design.

It probably won't prove especially difficult for actual smart human beings, but to my moronic face it was challenging enough that I felt like a real puzzle lord when I completed the latter puzzles without mistakes.
Recommended, especially at its currently miniscule price.

Rating: :)
Posted 7 February, 2016. Last edited 8 February, 2016.
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10.6 hrs on record
A pretty kick-ass action game
with combat that gets real satisfying
once you get better at stringing together combos and air-juggling fools left & right with all the different weapons.

I thought it had a 'DMC'-feel to it, with regards to the way Dante moves and how jumping works
(quick and high, fast fall which gives him a sensation of weightiness) and the level design.
Some levels (ones in more 'mundane' parts of Limbo) have a peculiar feel to them -
like they are definitively dead virtual constructs that exist as part of a game.
Even though everything is 'in-world' -- there's no split between game and cutscene -
Dante regenerates health outside of gameplay, and he engages Devil Mode in a cutscene which triggers the same color correction effect as it does whilst playing. Which is something I enjoy, it grounds the game in its own world where other games betrays it. (Like Nathan getting shot a billion times just before a cutscene where he's downed by a single shot)

Ninja Theory's penchant for high production values, feels and actin' sometimes seem a little incongruous when pared with the super-arcadey game. The story is, uh, well -- it is certainly present. It does get a lil' goofy when they try to be sincere. Dante has a sort of arc where at the end he is deffo less of a ♥♥♥♥ and more of a person.
I like Kat but she gets a bit too damsel-in-distress even though she initially seems like a strong character.
Dante is super punny at points but gives up on it later on which is maybe a bit of a bummer? He's not really a huge personality.

There's some really excellent 'n crazy visual inventiveness goin' on in the game -- though I wish they took even further towards the end, which, frankly, is a bit dull (mostly in a sort of half-assed Real-World with bits of Limbo) especially considering that earlier, you were fighting dubstep.
But, in summary: Fun murder 'em up!
Posted 20 June, 2014.
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34.7 hrs on record (29.8 hrs at review time)
Saints Row IV is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ video game that just wants you to have a real good time goofing around in its open world, brimming with so much different stuff to do and continually adding layers of ridiculous ♥♥♥♥ so that you never have time to get bored.

The core super hero movement feels just right, and it's never not tubular to bound over entire buildings and run and glide and smash into the ground.

This game is the epitome of something really dumb made by someone really smart, made evident by some great writing that is often pretty funny. There's a lot of weird fanservice with callbacks to previous Saints Row games (a brave/brazen addition, considering it's likely unfamiliar territory for many) in a way that shows a lot of love and respect for the players that have supported them over the years.
Waving my flaming dubstep-dildobat in saucy approval!
Posted 28 November, 2013. Last edited 29 November, 2013.
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26.2 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Gorgeous, mistily ethereal americana dreamscape of rural life and highways and travel and blues.
Third floor: Bears.
Posted 10 August, 2013. Last edited 28 November, 2013.
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