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Mr Skooma 28 dic 2024, ore 18:09 
hello cyberbro
Mr Skooma 23 nov 2024, ore 23:29 
hi its me kevin.. from arcane memba me :)
Perry 6 nov 2024, ore 16:05 
I didn't know how I was gonna bring this up, but I'm going to say it. I don't support the BLM movement, if you support it that's fine. Somethings not right about all this. It's too easy, there has to be a catch somewhere. I can feel that something is wrong with it. I'll support black lives, just not the movement that claims to be for them. The kneeling is a sign of conformity and is cult like and the atmosphere is clearly corporate. It is a movement that if left unchecked, could show up at your door and tell you how to live your life when they don't know a thing about you or where you have been. It'll use the suffering of black people as a catalyst to hide its true intentions of controlling people that think different to their mob mentality.
da boss 5 nov 2024, ore 18:10 
fake issa not real
brubbo 5 nov 2024, ore 18:07 
lets GO!!!!
issa 5 nov 2024, ore 6:52 
signed by issa :)