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Recent reviews by zAtomBombe

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6 people found this review helpful
850.3 hrs on record (615.2 hrs at review time)
#PlayersOverProfit, there is no point in playing, if before it would take a month or 3 of casual play to get to top tier today you have to get a premium account and premium vehicles and premium currency to get to top tier within a few months if you wont pay it will take you a few good years of casual play.
every economy change which is according to gaijin "for the better" just makes it harder for the day to day players to actually enjoy the game and play it
Posted 21 May, 2023.
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2,405.7 hrs on record (1,741.9 hrs at review time)
Pretty good game ngl, if you like strategy games its for you, pretty simple to play, very fun with mods.
Posted 16 February, 2022.
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10,318.2 hrs on record (2,467.4 hrs at review time)
ThE mOsT bRoKeN aNd BuGgY gAmE iN eXiStAnCe... AfTeR aLl ThErE iS a ReAsOn wHy ItS cAlLeD "bUgHeMiA"
at 9000 in game hours I can confirm this statement is even more true now then before.
Posted 27 November, 2019. Last edited 27 February, 2023.
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