Foshan, Guangdong, China
got no time for trash-talk .
4 fun , save time , that's it , bye .

(给俗亻看的信息)= INFOS for DBD world those chasing running kids n gods :BRSThumbsDown:

懒得 结识 解释 揭示 喜欢省时间 只单排 讨厌作弊者(当我的游戏行为被作弊者强行抢夺或严重干扰时,当我看到团队存在作弊者时,大多数情况下都会选择退出) 拜拜
dislike cheaters , quit ASAP when I lost my control of character in game , quit like letting go(AFK) really fast for missions or recording sometimes, got a little babe to take care of,with my wife of course,n my parents of course, yah I guess u were wishing death upon me right now or F words saying,fine. by the way I'm also a solo trash, bye bye.well u r so kind boy:MrSThumbsUp: