多个记录在案的 VAC 封禁 | 信息
1 个记录在案的游戏封禁 | 信息
上次封禁于 1006 天前
总时数 9 小时
最后运行日期:1 月 7 日
总时数 998 小时
最后运行日期:1 月 7 日
总时数 31 小时
最后运行日期:2024 年 9 月 9 日
bankai 2020 年 9 月 29 日 上午 9:02 
bankai 2020 年 9 月 28 日 下午 5:13 
bankai 2020 年 9 月 28 日 下午 5:13 
y 2020 年 9 月 17 日 下午 5:12 
Yo my slime, i know you really dont know mandem like that, but i was like i was wondering if like, i could purchase something still fam. Just a bit of grub my drillar. I wanna know what your prices are saying cuz im tryna blem a zoot up with my boydem and gyaldem my g, like you feel me? So get back to me cuz i know like youre the top dog around here. I wanna purchase the food from you bruce, nobody else. So peace out dawg, roll safe and get back to me on a quick ting brodem
y 2020 年 9 月 16 日 下午 6:37 
tell me 2020 年 4 月 11 日 上午 5:06 
Oh I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile I didn't realize you where a lady. (And a beautiful one at that) I try my best to respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PSN and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. add me xXxChildMolesterxXx. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.
Good day ma'am.
Also I PM'd you. Take a look and lmk what you think.