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19.3 hrs on record
Its a short, sweet and just straight into the action. Most of the cool things you heard about nemesis system is not here yet, and while the games feels like a prototype for whats to come it is a good introduction
Posted 26 March.
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69.3 hrs on record (66.9 hrs at review time)
Anime Smoke Effect

i already gave up with nfs trying to tell a story, and my biggest gripe with this game is the lack of content, from tracks, songs and cars, and then i thought its fine because they will add more later but then they had the audacity to only add the new update content only in the multiplayer which i cant grind because i cant find any match because nobody plays this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game
Posted 8 February. Last edited 13 March.
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100.4 hrs on record (63.4 hrs at review time)
A bit late to the party, but i feel this games really deserve some appreciation. I was able to get a good hours out of it even at the end of its service and even now i still have not complete everything Forza has to offer.
Forza Horizon 4 is my first somewhat expose to a sim-cade, and because of it i was able to appreciate the physic and driving compared to other arcade racing games. It acts as the gateway to racecraft and a bit of motorsport for me and now i wish to see more.

kind of regret not playing earlier and experience forza 4 at its peak.

ps. the online sucks dont bother playing it, loads like crap it does not make any sense, only elimination (the battle royale one) behaves like a proper matchmaking
Posted 8 February.
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18.7 hrs on record
was about to write about the exaggerated swagger of a bla-
now thats out of my system.

very emo story me crii, good go buy
Posted 30 January.
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31.1 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Im not gonna even finish the game to recommend this game. This is literally the mcdonalds of open world shooter
Posted 12 January.
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34.8 hrs on record
Posted 14 December, 2024.
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24.3 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
game good but runs like ass, i cant put my finger on which part makes it feels so laggy.
will edit to recommend once things got better
Posted 14 December, 2024.
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6.2 hrs on record
Posted 23 November, 2024.
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72.6 hrs on record
Rise best girl
Posted 9 November, 2024.
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33.8 hrs on record
Its literally more persona 5, if you love these characters then its more time hanging out with them on a summer roadtrip across Japan.

Have you ever thought what if those musou games enemy actually hit back? Well now they do and they hit hard, They put a lot work in translating the persona mechanic into a musou style game which is pretty cool. You will find the first few hours of the game difficult, while also struggling with the control (especially the camera) but it gets manageable after a while, some of the boss will provide some difficult challange, with movesets pattern you actually had to pay attention and cant button mash your way out of.

I find the lack of time management gameplay dissapointing. One of the appeal of persona for me is the calender system and time management aspect of it. But apperantly the calender system in this game is only for show. Time only progress once you reach specific objective that is given.
SP management is also gone due to the fact you can just exit and re enter the metaverse to fill your HP and SP to full.
Posted 9 November, 2024.
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