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Recent reviews by Yoruio

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75.6 hrs on record (75.6 hrs at review time)
I have only played the game for less than 100 hours, but the bug riddled mess that it is is more or less unplayable for me.

Too many people have quit, and the only people that havent quit are all max level, making it extremely difficult to do anything (like finding a party) as a low level player (lvl 45).

Progression was recently made harder by an insane margin, meaning it will take me more than twice or even three times as long to get to the same levels as everyone else in the game currently.

People are not getting punished for exploiting the game, and some people are receiving extra gold from amazon randomly for some reason, and when reported as a bug, the mod team responded with "congratulations". wtf?

It is a shame because it is a really good base, and the music and graphical design are all really good, but until the game breaking bugs are fixed, I'll be somewhere else.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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19.8 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
Got this game on steam summer sale, great game for just relaxing when you're bored out of your mind.
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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3.3 hrs on record
ok, but a bit confusing at times.
Posted 4 January, 2016.
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1.0 hrs on record
this is bascically a very simplified version of Portal, without portals.
the single player camapign and all the bonus levels were completed in about 3 hours,
the game it self was fairly fun to play.
but I managed to sell all the trading cards i got from this game for a 9 cents each,
at the end of the day, i got 6 cents and a free game, totally worth, spend all those useless (canadian) pennies you have at the bottom of your wallet, and get this game. you might even get a 6 cent profit
Posted 14 June, 2015.
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2,286.6 hrs on record (1,554.5 hrs at review time)
Learning curve is steep to put it lightly. Otherwise, the development team has shown their commitment for this game, and it continues to be a one of a kind experience, 8 years after release. Its quite a small game (relatively to other modern games), and its free, so you might as well give it a shot!
Posted 11 February, 2013. Last edited 25 November, 2020.
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