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Recent reviews by Seba91cl

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73.1 hrs on record (41.2 hrs at review time)
Man this game is hard, but it is rewarding!
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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20.3 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
Nunca había jugado esta saga y debo decir que me ha entretenido bastante :)
Posted 17 April, 2021.
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51.8 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
As a Half Life fan all i can say is... WORK OF ART
Posted 3 July, 2019. Last edited 25 November, 2020.
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1.1 hrs on record
THis game, and Metro 2033 are really awesome games, very atmospherical, definetly recommended!
Posted 3 July, 2019.
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13.6 hrs on record
Este juego sin duda fue una revolución cuando se estrenó, totalmente recomendado
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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0.9 hrs on record
Bastante entretenido aunque uno queda con ganas de más, recomendado!
Posted 17 November, 2018.
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101.0 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
If you loved the frst DS like me, then buy this for good old times...
Posted 26 May, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
23.6 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
Despite the bugs, is really fun. Get it on sale though
Posted 9 March, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.1 hrs on record
A este juego le tenía mucha fe, sin embargo terminé muy decepcionado por el pésimo sistema de controles. Mi idea era jugarlo con el gamepad del xbox 360, pero lamentablemente me fue imposible :(
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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566.1 hrs on record (45.1 hrs at review time)
I havent played much, but, what have a played so far is enough to say that this game is freaking awesome!!!
Posted 16 April, 2016.
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