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mammamia 3 jul. 2024 às 15:40 
Let's go Lando, Lando is okay
Let's go Lando, he is here to stay
Let's go Lando, he is one of us
He's racing like a lion
Shouldn't he be Dutch?
He's racing like a lion
Shouldn't he be Dutch?
Let's go Lando, Lando is okay
Let's go Lando, he is here to stay
Let's go Lando, he is one of us
He's racing like a lion
Shouldn't he be Dutch?
He's racing like a lion
Shouldn't he be Dutch?
Left, right, left right
Lando, he is on our side
Left, right, left, right
He's an orange knight
They call him last lap Lando
I can't wait to see you win, bro
When you're out there, you are flying
Yes, you are electrifying
Man, you've got the pace
So, let's go race
The best has yet to come
You took our heart in many ways
We love you like a son
Luca Alessandro 19 ago. 2023 às 4:21 
Wow, a lot of protein, sir
Let's go to the gym, buddy!
Let's go to the gym, buddy!
Let's go to the gym, buddy!
Unless they will know my power
I need more bullets!
I need more bullets!
I need more bullets!
I need more bullets!
Bigger weapons!
Bigger weapons!
Bigger weapons!
I need more bullets!
I need more bullets!
Wow, thanks for the protein, sir
Watch me ride that horse, sir
Hasta la Vista, Baby!
Hasta la Vista, Baby!
Hasta la Vista, Baby!
Hasta la Vista, Baby!
Hasta la Vista, Baby!
Now that is a weapon!
Now that is a weapon!
Luca Alessandro 7 ago. 2023 às 1:13 
hello po. huwag na huwag ninyo po siyang hawak-hawakan, lalo na 'yong buhok niya. huwag kayong hihiram ng gamit niya, bumili kayo. huwag ninyo siyang gagawan ng school works kasi kaya niya. matalino naman 'yan. huwag n'yo siyang sasabihan na mabango at aamuyin, kasi part 'yon ng hygiene. maligo ka rin. huwag n'yo rin siyang i-ship o asarin sa iba ninyong classmates. parang awa n'yo na. mag-aral na lang kayo nang mabuti. and lastly, huwag na huwag kayo magpipicture sa phone niya. kung ayaw ninyo masira pagmumukha n'yo.
mammamia 19 jun. 2023 às 12:30 
ik3w but0in ng 3uhay b0h@y cu 10 jun. 2023 às 13:36 
Rinespeto na nga kita eh 🥺🥺. Pero anong ginawa mo? 😠😭😭 Tiger 🐅🐅. Tiger 🐅🐅, alam ko pero hindi ako rinespeto tiger 🐅. Isipin mo 'yon, tiger 🐅🐅🐅. Hindi ako rinespeto tiger 🐅🐅. Mukha lang akong makasalanan 😈😈😈, mukha lang akong lasinggero 🥴🥴. Pero ginawa akong lasingero 😠😠🥴! Tiger isipin mo 'yon 🐅🐅 Isipin mo 'yon 🤔🤔, tiger 🐅🐅🐅. Ginawa akong lasinggero ng titser na yan?! 😠😠 Ha?! 😠😠😠 Ano?! 😠😠😠 Ginawa akong lasinggero niyan 😠😠... pare isipin mo 'yun tiger 🐅🐅🐅. Ginawa akong lasinggero ng tarantado na 'yan 🥴🥴😠😠. Isipin mo , tiger 🐅🐅🐅, isipin mo! Tignan mo! 🧐🧐🧐Tiger 🐅🐅🐅... Tiger hindi ako lasing 🥴🥴🥴. Tiger 🐅🐅🐅 hindi ako lasing. 🥴🥴🥴
ik3w but0in ng 3uhay b0h@y cu 30 mai. 2023 às 15:45 