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27.9 hrs on record
7.5 / 10

This game reminded me of Far Cry 2 when driving the golf cart around the map. I will keep this review short and simple. The game feels like it is almost there, lacking the extra game design/ content to put it in great status. The lack of emphasis on survival/base building is disappointing (played on normal difficulty); there is no real reason to build a base or gather food if you just follow the story and go through the bunkers which are packed with food. I don't think you take damage for having 0 water / food meter on normal difficulty either.
The movement and combat are improved from the forest but they still feel clunky like an amateur game dev designed it. I think the lack of side quests or an objective outside of doing the main story mission is what make the game feel somewhat linear and dull at times.

Recommend if you want a first person, adventure/horror game.
Posted 28 March.
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35.7 hrs on record
I'd rate this 7/10. The atmosphere and gameplay loop are just enough to make the game interesting however nothing really stands out. If they made a sequel that was more survival horror I think It could be really great.
I think the basic (cringe) linear story is probably what drags the game back the most.
Posted 20 March.
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24.2 hrs on record
The controller auto aim is cancer. What is the point in playing a shooter if you are going to make controllers ridiculous OP.
Posted 20 March.
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60.3 hrs on record
I think this is one of the best Final Fantasies. I believe this version of the game can be sped up to help deal with the grindy sections of the game.
High Comfy Factor.

Remember to upgrade your weapons and junction high level spells to your stats or you will get curb stomped.
Posted 20 March. Last edited 20 March.
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88.7 hrs on record (83.0 hrs at review time)
It's like the gold standard for synthetic benchmarks. There should be a friend leaderboard feature though that you can use to flex on your steam friendslist.
Posted 20 March.
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98.9 hrs on record (98.4 hrs at review time)
It's like a next gen version of Fallout set in cyberpunk LA.
Posted 20 March.
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46.4 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
Was able to use my network drive that i had mapped to my computer.
Has good keybindings for the quest 3 controller as default with zoom in / out and pause/play.
privacy block for the screen mirroring.
ability to create custom playlists.
Even has VR youtube built into it.

Of course I only used this to watch the latest hollywood releases and VR nature documentaries.
Posted 11 January, 2024.
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3.7 hrs on record
6.5 / 10 rating.
The best section is the initial level in the frozen tundra at the start of the game and the final mission level. I originally played through this game and got to the desert map when i lost interest and had to come back to finish after a couple years of sitting in my library.

The middle levels feel too linear while also lacking the atmosphere that metro made its name off of.
The ai feels very rudimentary and brain dead when it comes to combat and stealth in this game.
The movement and speed of the game play feels sluggish and clunky.
The final mission brings back the spooky metro vibe and horror experience to save the game.
Graphically it looks beautiful but not enough to play just for that.

Much of the story is forgettable and full of cut scenes with too much dialogue full of goofy Russian accented voice acting.

So I would recommend buying this on discount.
Posted 11 January, 2024. Last edited 11 January, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Worth playing. It is a solid adventure that lasts a couple sessions.
Worst part is driving the boat around with no mask filters.
Posted 11 January, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
Has a black screen bug in the middle of the game that stopped my progress. Has a lot of unskipable cutscenes also.
Posted 11 January, 2024.
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