“Reality continues to ruin my life.”
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Before trading or using me as a MM, please verify my identity by ensuring this account meets the following conditions (if any condition is not met, you have found an impersonator; please report the person on steamrep/dota2traders):

• 8 year old Steam account
• Level 43 Steam account
• Over 125+ Steam games
• Over 2000+ hours in Dota 2
• Item Showcase contains the Unusual Platinum Baby Roshan (Diretide 2013 Cycle 4)

I reserve the right to decline MiddleMan Services to any user for any reason.

- Users with Scammer or Caution tags
- Users with Private/Friends Only Profiles or Backpacks
- Cdkey, Real World Items, Gift Card Codes
- Cross Game Trades (I.E. Dota 2 Items for Runescape Gold)
- Anything I deem fraudulent or deceptive

I frequently may be online at work. If that is the case, I may not accept your friend request or respond to your messages immediately.


If you added me and I have not accepted your invitation, I may be mobile or at work or offline; it would be very helpful if you made a post below outlining what you need (links helpful) so that I may immediately assist you when I return. If you think I may want something you are selling, please post below instead of adding me.

Also, I do not like adds from private profiles. If you add me and have a private profile, please be prepared to be deleted/ignored unless you can post below a good reason not to.

Dota 2 Traders Rep thread[ ]
SteamRep Profile[ ]

Before trading or using me as a MM, please verify my identity by ensuring this account meets the following conditions (if any condition is not met, you have found an impersonator; please report the person on steamrep/dota2traders):

• 8 year old Steam account
• Level 43 Steam account
• Over 125+ Steam games
• Over 2000+ hours in Dota 2
• Item Showcase contains the Unusual Platinum Baby Roshan (Diretide 2013 Cycle 4)

I reserve the right to decline MiddleMan Services to any user for any reason.

- Users with Scammer or Caution tags
- Users with Private/Friends Only Profiles or Backpacks
- Cdkey, Real World Items, Gift Card Codes
- Cross Game Trades (I.E. Dota 2 Items for Runescape Gold)
- Anything I deem fraudulent or deceptive

I frequently may be online at work. If that is the case, I may not accept your friend request or respond to your messages immediately.


If you added me and I have not accepted your invitation, I may be mobile or at work or offline; it would be very helpful if you made a post below outlining what you need (links helpful) so that I may immediately assist you when I return. If you think I may want something you are selling, please post below instead of adding me.

Also, I do not like adds from private profiles. If you add me and have a private profile, please be prepared to be deleted/ignored unless you can post below a good reason not to.

Dota 2 Traders Rep thread[ ]
SteamRep Profile[ ]
Currently Offline
Colonel Harland Sanders 1 Jun, 2014 @ 11:35am 
Hey dude I've been calling you, pick up please XD ... It's been a while since you were online :O

Anyway we haven't done this in a while but I need you to MM a trade for me.:p2turret:
w0t 27 Apr, 2013 @ 10:09am 
Hi, what are you donating for again?