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529.4 hrs on record
This game shaped my childhood. 11/10
Posted 22 February.
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23.5 hrs on record (23.4 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game, especially with friends. Community maps make it even better. Stop reading this and just buy it, you will not be disappointed.
Posted 14 January.
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23.3 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
I had really high hopes for Payday 3. Fix the game, and I'll fix my review.

The always-online feature is the obvious downfall here. But wait, there's more:
- The way guns and attachments are named is insanely stupid. Some are outright misspelled, like "muzzle break" instead of "muzzle brake". Starbreeze could have hired a 14 year old to name this stuff better.
- The effects that most attachments have on guns are incorrect and equally stupid.
- Pre-planning is almost nonexistent now.
- The crime map needs to come back as an optional way to select missions.
- The story cutscenes feel bland and rushed. They aren't truly 3D animated scenes.
- Skills are nowhere near as robust as they were in Payday 2. It's like you get stuck with a less exciting version of the PD2 perk deck system, and no skill system.

There were several improvements in the game from Payday 2, and the game has potential to be enjoyable. They should have not thrown out so many systems that worked well though, and Starbreeze definitely should have brought in some outside help to consult on how guns actually work. The lack of firearm knowledge displayed by the dev team really shows in the final product.
Posted 22 September, 2023.
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47.4 hrs on record (22.0 hrs at review time)
I am a competitive shooter and local match director at my gun club. This tool has been fantastic for prototyping stages and generating stage briefs.

While the UI is basic, it definitely works, and this tool prioritizes function over form, which I love. The more accustomed I get to the controls, the faster I am.

I've made complete stages and generated WSBs for them in about 10 minutes, start to finish.

It's also fun to run through the stages and shoot them to see what can be gamed and what can't.

For a free tool, this is absolutely a must-have for competitive shooters and match directors.

I only have one complaint. I started hosting PCSL matches at my club and I noticed that while the targets exist in the stage builder, the zones for scoring are not set up properly, and the targets are called P2G (Practical 2 Gun) targets instead of PCSL targets. This makes my WSBs look weird when generated.

In the next update, please:
- Change "P2G" to "PCSL"
- Add scoring zones for PCSL targets so Practisim can properly score them
- Add PCSL as a template for WSBs, based off the WSBs you see in PCSL majors.
Posted 22 August, 2023.
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125.1 hrs on record (73.9 hrs at review time)
This game has SO much good going for it, it just needs a couple changes before I can recommend it in it's current state, ESPECIALLY with the new $50 price tag.
  • Sprinting. When you're a cop and your job is to run towards gunfire, you should be able to sprint. Violence of action is a valid strategy sometimes, and it's hard to be aggressive without the ability to run.

  • Multiplayer not only needs PVP, but also a rating system for PVE - There's an opportunity to do this in a really creative way, where you can view other player's stats (unauthorized UoFs, D-S rating finishes, etc.) as if it's an Internal Affairs report. In addition, "bad" cops should be paired with other "bad" cops in public matchmaking, so that the players who are actually trying to do well aren't dealing with as much trolling.

  • AI (both SWAT and suspect) needs some more love, but I know this is hard to refine and that the devs are working hard on it. If suspects would stop aimbotting through walls as much, that would go a long way.
Posted 15 July, 2023. Last edited 1 February, 2024.
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30.7 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
You bought Hogwarts: Legacy because you're a Harry Potter fan. I bought Hogwarts: Legacy because it makes leftists screech like mandrakes. We are not the same.

This is seriously a great game. I was not expecting this quality of an RPG experience out of a Harry Potter game, and I have never truly enjoyed magical combat in any game until this one. The spells feel punchy, both visually and audibly. The story is great so far, although the side quests are definitely pulling me in more than the main story is.

One of my favorite features about the game is the fact that you can change the appearance of the gear you have equipped to pieces of gear that you have owned in the past, even if you have sold or destroyed them. It's awesome for making your character look exactly the way you want them to.

My only issue with this game so far is the stuttering that often happens. Frame rates will drop to the 10-30 range on a relatively frequent basis. I'm hoping this will be fixed in a patch soon.

(High settings + RTX, 1080p, running with a Ryzen 7, 6700 XT, 32 GB RAM)
Posted 15 February, 2023.
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29.3 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
Specialists and a lack of what makes Battlefield Battlefield ruined this game.

Even with massive maps and larger player counts to match, I've never felt more alone in a Battlefield game than this one.

Battlefield 4 was the peak. I tried to enjoy this game, but could not. Would absolutely refund if I could.
Posted 5 January, 2022.
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56.2 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First game: Lone Wolf Mode, 50 enemies, Plane map

I enter the operation with a suppressed Mk18 equipped with an ACOG and a Sig M17.

I take about ten steps into the open, thinking this is another casual shooter with dumb AI.

I hear three cracks in the distance, and I'm paralyzed. Mission over.

Last night was the first time I played this game. Since being heavily disappointed by BF 2042, I've been looking for a realistic shooter to scratch my itch for the perfect balance between fun and realism. I now think Ground Branch is it.

Ground Branch is an extremely promising early access shooter from some devs that know what people want, and kick butt at delivering.

Graphics: Very solid. Some more postprocessing could bring things out more, but models and textures look great for an EA title.

Gunplay: Some of the best of any game I've played. Recoil matters and feels like actually shooting. The animations could be smoother, but we'll be getting that very soon with the next update.

Weapon Customization: Best of any game I've ever played, by a longshot. You choose where your weapons go on the rails, which I think is awesome since not many other games do this. The only improvements I could ask for would be simply more content, the loadout system is one of the key selling points for this game.

Get the game. All it needs is more people to build a community.
Posted 19 October, 2021.
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104.3 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
This game is one of my top 3 favorite RPG's - ever. Since Fallout 3 came out (I was 7 at the time), I've been in love with the Fallout universe. As a kid, I didn't enjoy Fallout 3 as much as I could have compared to today, which is why I revisited it recently as an adult.

When New Vegas came out, I played the life out of it. 400+ hours, no less than 5 full-blown playthroughs, and lots of mods later, I felt like I had seen it all. I was dying for another Fallout game.

Then Fallout 4 was announced at E3, with one of Todd Howard's best presentations ever given, and I was immediately in love. On the XBOX, I did about 8 legit playthroughs with a combined 600+ hours on the console. On PC, I plan on picking out my favorite mods that I used when I played this game as a teenager, and attempt to 100% this game in one balls-to-the-wall playthrough to get it out of my system.

Graphics: 8/10 - Bethesda did a good job with their art style and making things look semi-realistic, yet very 50's retro-future (think the Jetsons). My only complaint here is that I would have loved for the world to look a little more gritty than it did, like Fallout 3 but without the green tint everywhere. Either way, you'll enjoy the art, especially with mods to personalize the environment to your liking.

Story: 8.5/10 - Would have rated this a 9 or maybe even 10 if I haven't played through this game a dozen times. Regardless, the story is great, choices matter, there's some good twists, and you'll find yourself wanting to run another playthrough just to see an alternate ending for a questline.

Gunplay: 9/10 - There are few games that match the smoothness of Fallout 4's gunplay. Although I hate COD, the only better game gunplay-wise that comes to mind is Modern Warfare (2019) and maybe some of the new Battlefield games.

Crafting/Settlements: 9/10 - This game has one of the most intuitive crafting systems I've encountered in a game. If you like a nice balance of play and tinkering, you'll love this aspect of the game.

Overall: 9/10 - This game is great. Just be sure to keep it from taking your life from you. I let that happen a little bit as a teen, and that's my only regret with this game. Everything in moderation :)

Posted 15 July, 2021.
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17.2 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
TL;WR - Buy this game.

While still in early access, all this game needs is a tiny bit of extra love from the devs, and a playerbase - yes that means you. If you liked Rainbow before they added too many operators and fluffed up the gameplay, you'll LOVE this game. I'd be extremely interested in getting a hold of the developers for some constructive criticism and minor bugs I've noticed (nothing game-ruining).

Seriously though, while the movement feels sluggish at times compared to the more arcadey tactical shooters, this is the most realistic FPS gunplay experience I've had. Period. From firsthand experience (I shoot irl), the recoil is extremely true-to-life and makes the experience all that better for players who've actually been behind a gun.

The TTK (Time to Kill) in this game is also very realistic and makes for either a satisfying or terrifying experience depending on who you're facing. This also keeps the game relatively slow paced unless you have a team in the lobby that's bum-rushing their pre-planned strategy and they're all on Discord :)

One other thing: playing as defender and having the lights cut on you is pee-pee pants city. It feels like you're in a house with ghosts - only they're armed with M4's, NODS, and IR lasers.

Do it. You won't regret buying this game - especially at it's current price - and you'll be glad knowing your cash went to devs that really seem to care about making a polished tactical shooter.
Posted 2 June, 2021. Last edited 2 June, 2021.
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