Russian Federation



1) Dropped Katowice Cobblestone 2015 (The price of the time ~35$)

2) AWP | Asiimov [BS look WW] (The price of the time ~37$)

3) AK-47 | Vulcan [FT look MW] (The price of the time ~41$)

4) AK-47 | Case Hardened [FN patern GOLD] (Lucky trade ~47$)

5) Flip knife | Forest DDPAT [FT look MW] (Exchanged by adding things (add 5$) the price of the time ~52$)

6) Flip kinfe | Vanilla ( While my last (DDPAT) knife rose by 6$) (The price of the time ~63$)

7) Flip knife | Forest DDPAT [MW] (Price ~64$)

8) Gut knife | Blue steel [FT] (Price ~64$)

9) Bayonet | Forest DDPAT [FT look MW] (The price of the time ~68$) (Bad knife...)

10) Gut knife | Blue steel [MW patrern Green] (The price of the time ~69$)

11) I sold my knife! (At first, dropped the price on the knife
he began to cost 63-65$, I decided to wait again when the
price rising to 70-73$, and the price has risen to 70$,
I sold it for 65.50$) And pre-order Fallout 4 <3


12) Dropped MLG Cobblestone 2016 (The price of the time ~40$)

13) MLG Cobblestone 2016 traded for 15 keys (The price of the time ~41$)



- Google translator: :D
- My trade link:


*Below you can see a showcase of my work with the illustrations in Photoshop*

* I wanna Gut knife | Blue Steel [MW] :]


Currently Offline
мокро!!!!! 1 Mar, 2024 @ 7:51am 
[AURA] KeFFirs 10 Dec, 2023 @ 8:25am 
друг макса уйди с аккаунта не удаляй коментарии
Джейк Бро 12 Dec, 2017 @ 11:53am 
Такому милашке и самай-масай не жалко сделать :3
VART 17 Feb, 2017 @ 6:54pm 
VART 17 Feb, 2017 @ 6:53pm 
Большое спасибо тебе!За всё!!!
Он просто лучший человек на земле.
Если вам что-то не нравится в нём,задумайтесь,может вам нужно изменить свою дружбу к нему.
Л У Ч Ш И Й ! ! !
Рядовой Шутник 2 Jul, 2016 @ 2:57pm 