已运行 110 小时
If you're into HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) or are looking to get interested in it, this game is for you. I have always been looking for a sword-fighting game that doesn't have a bunch of beefy guys slicing clean through full plate with a sword. A game that doesn't completely throw realism out the window, and instead depicts duels as what they were in the period. And this game hits that mark wonderfully. It showcases real weapons, being wielded in realistic ways, and is still ridiculously fun to boot. I have shown multiple friends this game, and despite very much disliking fighting games, they loved this. Great gameplay, great graphics, great devs, just great all around. Also, Longsword for the win.
总时数 17 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 6 日
总时数 37 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 6 日
成就进度   81 / 145
总时数 1 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 5 日
成就进度   2 / 43
Tenabletech0 2022 年 11 月 8 日 下午 9:38 
do I scare you?
Stratus02 2018 年 12 月 31 日 下午 3:24 
I'm doing this for a badge.