save your questions for later... i'm in motion
trust in your Force, and head towards the Garden... OF MADNESS!!!

moe... is momentum
im gonna get you 20 mart. la 12:07 
Your blood is itchy. You need to scratch it. Come on now, take your skin off. Feel the pleasures of scratching that itch. You know you need to. You know you want to. Take it off. Take it off.
im gonna get you 17 mart. la 21:36 
Damn bro, did you see what happened under there?
im gonna get you 17 mart. la 21:32 
"Father, why do the humans hate us?"

"...well son, they don't take kindly to other species."
im gonna get you 14 mart. la 18:30 
Major General: We must eradicate the insectoids immediately! If they reproduce inside of mother natures supple bosom, our entire species will be wiped out! Soldiers, it's your mission to kill as many SOB'S as you can! I don't want to see you filthy maggots until the filthy maggots are GONE.

Lt. Snatcher: But sir, we cannot allow ourselves to-

Major General: I DON"T GIVE A RATS ASS. You have your orders, MOVE IT.

Lt. Snatcher: Yes..sir.
[Major General exits]

Lt. Snatcher [to himself]: We can't just kill these creatures, we must understand them not kill them. I must speak with Captain O at once.
[Soldier 1 and 3 take center stage]

Soldier 1: I can't wait to smash some bugs dude, I heard some of them have GIGANTIC tits. [pretends to motorboat]
Soldier 3: That's gross man what the hell.
[Soldier 1 and 3 exit]

Lt. Snatcher: Yes, YES. That's it. I must find a way to cross-breed the creatures with us. Yes...
im gonna get you 12 mart. la 23:05 
Mission Log #4029
Lt. Snatcher
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im gonna get you 12 mart. la 22:00 
Wind has got to be my LEAST favorite climate condition. I absolutely HATE it. I don't care how beneficial a shift in the atmosphere "sustains life" and "allows us to exist", it's ridiculous!