John   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Lost in Tarkov, send help.

"I dream of freedom, just me and my little machine gun, born a free man, die a free man... even if that's on the run"
Klager HX-84 13/jul./2013 às 17:57 
Hey. You should get Arma 3.
Cabeys Odyssey 15/fev./2013 às 19:48 
Blacklight: Retribution is a free to play FPS. Very well made with excellent game mechanics and most importantly fantastic netcode. As its been out for a while its very competeitive so its a stiff learning curve for noobs, but if you stick with it what you get is one of the best FPS MP experiences on the market. Theres tons of customization of weapons and kit too much if anything. With the standard kit, you can dominate the battlefield however sometimes it can feel like more experienced guys have the best kit. They dont of course, there just better practised at the game. All the maps are very playable too, theres only one so far im not overly keen on. Beware its very fast paced!
Cabeys Odyssey 15/fev./2013 às 19:48 
Ok, youve obviously fell behind the times lol. Crysis 3 MP in fact its excellent IF you like Crysis! The maps are superbly designed and the game on the whole is already fairly balanced. The MP tactics are based around your skillful use of the NanoSuit. It wont be for everyone though as some people like there MP games to be simpler.

Cabeys Odyssey 15/fev./2013 às 19:37 
Crysis 3 is £26 not to bad i thought. Billybargain.co.uk is your friend dude!
Voodoo_S3 15/fev./2013 às 18:52 
Oh and whats this Blacklight Reteibution all bout then
Voodoo_S3 15/fev./2013 às 18:45 
it would seem that all 5 studios between them makes DICE look like f*cking god, Actually played it, sp's ok (graphics are nothing like the preview and trailers) but the mp is one of the worst i've ever played (its fun and something different for about an hour or two, but thats it). Such a shame really, it had potential, and I personally was really looking forward to it, but I wouldn't be surprised if its in the top five worst games of the year... Have you seen how much EA are charging for Crysis 3? f*ck that even if the mp is good (wich I doubt) I couldn't see myself spending anywhere near as much time on it as Bf3.