United States
I am Vonmeer. Casual gamer and artist, who games mostly on console and is just returning to the PC for more interesting games. I'm not a competitive gamer, I'm an old man who plays online for humor, wit, and entertainment.
I own my own company living a semi-retired existence with my wife in in a small manor with a view of the mountains surrounded by rolling hills. It's quite idyllic. My wife and I have been together 30+yrs, since teenagers and outside of a very lucrative business we own, I also run a small Blacksmithy and bronze foundry as a hobby with a few apprentices making ancient replicas. I teach art classes from my home studio on a limited basis as well. I will go along with any good roleplay but beware, my verbiage and character will tend to the unconventional side..
Politically not political
I'm a Libertarian.. I'm pro free speech and pro rights, feel taxes and government spending should be reduced and 1st and 2nd amendment rights should be INCREASED. Working people have it hard enough without adding in more red tape to the daily toil.

Most people are good people, hard working and make their own way in the world. Politicians are grifter types, parasitically getting rich on taxpayers money. If Wal-Mart can use automated tellers can't we do the same to the senate and congress? Save a lot of money...bring on the robo-senate.

No surprise I'm the CEO of a small company. a retail store, with a few warehouses and some employees. I'm not a "rich" guy but I'm well off as my wife and I have invested in ourselves and our company. It was never our nature to 'work for others' or be employees..

I like sandboxes because my adult experience has never really been an employee, in my view REALITY is a sandbox of endless opportunities. I have never been held to anothers schedule so in a game it immersion means freedom.

I've never had an authority figure in my adult life and now in my late 40s realize it's been such an advantage. Never having to ask anyone anything, always being the authority you get things how you want them. You learn to solve your own problems never going to another to do it for you. Getting projects done.

That's why I like crafting and building games as I'm a real life (hobby) blacksmith, a tinsmith and foundryman trained in the classical arts (some art school as a child) in sculpting, painting, etc so it's a natural extension of my skillsets. I like games where these skills are still vital, as it connects to my hobbies.

Plus age is catching up, I once was going to build an actual motte-n-baily keep and medieval town on a 10 acre spread I own in Montana. Only a half hour away from my home but by the time it would be done I'd be to old to enjoy it so I have Medieval Engineers instead. I love that gaming allows me to keep working on the things that interest me even when age and other restrictions come into play.

In REAL LIFE I've built plate armor, made axes and forged blades. I've made clay viking kilns and cast coin from soapstone molds I've carved. I've built slings,medieval handgonnes and worked a trebuchet as a medievalist. Fought at in full armor (SCA) in the desert sands and knapped stone age tools as our neanderthal ancestors once did. I'm starting to specialize in bronze age and early iron age tool making as my apprentices want to start selling bronze swords. This began because they play Conan Exiles .

If you enjoy survival games I can explain the process of how it's done if interested. I have online instructions on making fish and hide based glues, oak gall inks and assorted neolithic to medieval skills.

I play very casually, without commitments as I'm old and set in my ways but I'm friendly, slightly amusing and willing to play a character as long as I can be funny.
Friend me and hopefully Ill figure out how to respond to it!
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28mm Medieval Engineer Steam Modded edition.