Jack   United States
you just punched out ALL of my blood
In non-Steam game
I'm addicted to buying unbelievable amounts of Okami (yeeeeeeaaahhhh)
In a brief moment of lucidity I went to the Okami dealership and told them "Do not, under any circumstances, sell me more copies." I was back there half an hour later, wearing a fake moustache, and I said "Hello gentlemen, I am Jakc, a man you have never met before. Give me 10,000 Okami copies covered in diamonds."
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Dogal Rorn 8 Nov @ 11:02pm 
This guy bought Fent from me
Ffronn 24 Oct @ 4:33am 
add me
Yach 8 Sep @ 12:24pm 
Slinks 16 Dec, 2019 @ 12:51pm 
I’m addicted to buying unbelievably expensive custom helicopters (yeeeeeeaaahhhh)
In a brief moment of lucidity I went to the helicopter dealership and told them “Do not, under any circumstances, sell me more helicopters”
I was back there half an hour later, wearing a fake moustache, and I said “Hello gentlemen, I am Ray Z, a man you have never met before. Give me 10,000 helicopters covered in diamonds”
Slinks 15 Jul, 2019 @ 2:45pm 
wajajajajaj soy el jak!!!!!!!
deputy Impingement 8 Jul, 2019 @ 8:13pm 