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0.0 timmar senaste två veckorna / 43.4 timmar totalt
Upplagd: 25 jan, 2019 @ 19:56
Uppdaterad: 27 jan, 2019 @ 6:36

A very good game got it during the steam winter sale since i didn't know what to expect and after playing would galdly pay the full asking price. Anyone who loves dragons or a good murder mystery game would enjoy this. While it has says it's also a dating sim it's more or less befriending them than dating since only a few dragons actually end up in a romantic setting with you but it by no means takes anything away from the game. All the dragons have their own unique personality and storyline instead of the same cookie cutter template used in other dating sims. that being said it's not with out is drawbacks the game is fairly short and their are some dragons who's backstory could have been flushed out a bit more while their are multiple ending for each dragon even some of the good endings are a bit sad to be justified as a good ending for that character. there are also a few minor details the conflict with each other but the only way to see those is in subsequent playthroughs and choosing to do things a bit different with that charcter than you did previouly supposedly to be more diverse with your approach with them some acheviments are a bit hard if you don't know what exactly what to do specificly the your a winner acheivment where you have to win a card game which took me many saves and reloads to finally get but other than that one the others are just brain teasers that force you to think outside the box some good endings can also be a bit tricky but those are just trial and error total game lenght for 100%

final thoughs

given you don't skip anything the game will take about 30-60 minutes to complete each story line giving 10-20 hours depending if your an acheivment hunter but other wise enjoyable my final rating is a very high 7/10 it has great potentional and i'd like to see an update where it gives you options to explore more of each dragon's personal backstory and maybe add a bit more to do after the true ending like add a romantic ending for each dragon along side their good and bad ending there is a romantic ending for one of the dragons in the steam workshop but it would be nice to have one for each dragon in the base game as well
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