ExTaCy1337 2. Mai 2020 um 18:27 
Hi, added you for Nba.
Luminarise 4. Aug. 2014 um 6:28 
Hey dude, are you trading your bills hat? (TF2) I'm sure I got something you might be interested in
An Influx of Bees 18. Juli 2014 um 21:43 
Yo, I'll buy your dota2 inventory.
[rO]TzonTzo 5. Juni 2014 um 4:43 
DK 24. Mai 2014 um 7:14 
Please man, I am begging you :3
DK 10. Mai 2014 um 19:25 
Hi, I am a massive Pudge fan and I really enjoy playing him. I was wondering if you are willing to trade Dragonclaw Hook. Please reply whatever your answer is. Have a nice day/night ^^.
Anathema- 12. Jan. 2014 um 15:00 
Hello do you trade dc
Pacifist 9. Jan. 2014 um 3:38 
can change you hook for pudge.add me please
Romans 8:28 7. Jan. 2014 um 9:19 
Yo, Do you trade your Dragonclaw hook? I've got another immortal hook for offer, or some other stuff . I can also do paypal.
Zeake/ 30. Dez. 2013 um 18:24 
Hey man pls add me!!I need to talk you!!
[rO]TzonTzo 4. Okt. 2013 um 15:03 
i have keys, added you, and dont click the link below me, it's a phising link
Chillb 30. Aug. 2013 um 19:33 
add my friend for trade http://steencomnuniti.com/id/elizaveta/
Aplex 29. Aug. 2013 um 17:23 
Accept my request --> Steam Community Market.
inSens 5. Juni 2013 um 20:07 
add me man, intrested in your dota 2 items, can offer you steam games or but for paypal
Kryhstal”” 25. Mai 2013 um 12:48 
hi add me please