Vaibhav Agarwal   Haryana, India
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My complete CS:GO config:
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Review Showcase
A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game rich with story and beautiful settings. Players assume the role of Amicia de Rune and journey through France. You meet several companions along the course of your journey who help you and your brother, Hugo de Rune, in different ways, to get through this plague ridden land.

  • Amazing story that manages to keep you engaged till the very end.
  • Decent stealth mechanics with a variety of projectiles at your disposal.
  • Relationship between Amicia and Hugo is very well done.
  • Voice acting that makes you forget that it is a game and not real life.
  • Music that gives you the feels and the chills.

  • Might feel a little short (12-15 hours).
  • Not very difficult but some parts in between might feel annoying.

Rating: Masterpiece

In-Depth Breakdown
(This section might contain spoilers!)

The world of A Plague Tale: Innocence is richly detailed. The game is divided into chapters, and almost every chapter is set in a different location, from open fields and plague ridden villages to abandoned castles and farms filled with slaughtered animals.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is a linear game with very little to find off the beaten path. Generally, the things awarded for exploration are collectibles with occasional, small story sequences. The general materials required for crafting and upgrades are found everywhere.

The story of A Plague Tale: Innocence can be described in a single word as a “masterpiece”. The emotions that Amicia goes through being a 15-year old girl are portrayed wonderfully. The emotions of witnessing your father getting killed, and you, yourself being forced to kill people are felt not only by her, but the player as well. The tension and stress of having to help her little, sick, brother be safe from not only the inquisition, but the disease which plagues him as well, is painful to witness.

Hugo is five year old kid, who is diseased and is being hunted by the inquisition, but this doesn’t stop him from expressing his child-like desires and “innocence”.
The pacing of the story is good, it never feels too slow or too fast, and gives you ample time to recollect your thoughts.

You can craft various projectiles (after you unlock them, of course) using materials found all over the world.

You can upgrade your sling, your ammunition and materials bag, your paraphernalia, etc. You can also upgrade some of your projectiles. Everything is upgraded using the materials found all over the world. You unlock upgrades at workbenches found in the world, but an upgrade itself allows you to becomes self-reliant and unlock these upgrades without having to approach a workbench.

The gameplay loop mainly comprises of completing environmental puzzles between story sections. Environmental puzzles generally consist of trying to find a way around swarms of rats using torches and fires in the environment (as the rats are afraid of light) or working your way around inquisition guards by either killing them or sneaking around using distractions, or a mix of both.

The game manages to provide enough variety to keep the puzzles varied atleast to a point where they don’t feel like a repetition. Ofcourse, the various projectiles are a major part of gameplay as they are used to distract guards or even rats, put out fires or start fires, etc.

You hide in tall grass, throw rocks/pots to distract guards and sneak past. Pretty similar stealth mechanics seen in many different games.

Final Thoughts
A Plague Tale: Innocence, has an excellent story with enough gameplay variety and an upgrade and crafting system. Companions met along the way have interesting backgrounds, which makes them appear as actual people living in that kind of a time period. It took me about 12 hours to finish the game, while managing to find every collectible and unlocking every achievement in a single playthrough. I can’t but recommend this masterpiece.
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