=Wolf PAck=白老狐
Vladimir   China
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Review Showcase
1)Character creation 7/10 0.7 point
-accessouri cost limited
-accessouri slots limited
-fashion blocked under regular AC scrathces
-look slots locked under Premium
-Shop locked under premium too
2)Music 5/10 (avarege music nothing special ) 0.5
3)Combat system 7/10 - 0.7 point
-too many moves/skills can't be canceled that why some classes feels clunky. ♥♥♥♥♥ hitboxes during boss fights
4) Class design 2/10 - 0.2 points
-sega don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about other classes atm playeble 3 class Braver /Slayer/Ranger. Whole game design based on time atack so sega don't give a ♥♥♥♥ what u want they force u play class with max dps and use only full dps gear 0 variety.
5)Open world + Quest design 1/10 - 0.1
-dead open world
- simillar triggers based on kill mobs activity (kvaris + retem have 1 unique activity like board race + camel corral)
6)Community 1/10 -0.1 point
ohhh boy this game have the most cursed community i ever saw in my 19 years of MMO expiriance
-pedophiles -checked
-RGBTQLT++++HDTV ♥♥♥♥ -checked
-Stalkers -checked
-Creepers -checked
-People with suicidal tendencies - checked
-SexMod/ERP users - checked
-People with other mental disorders (turet syndrom/schizophrenia/Hikikomori syndrom etc..)- checked
-Report System abusers -checked (personally as leader of alliacne was mass reported many times and 2 times officially get protection from sega side)
-Gaslighters/Fake rumors spreaders - checked
-obsessed internet GF seekers - checked
-Depressed people - checked (most normal players comparing to others)
7) Sega support & community support 4/10 -0.4 point
-if u know how to use corporate emails u can get proper answer
-Sega Global (or better to say SEGA NA) -trash pure trash
Their trans community manager was involved in this sex scandals with fake buns just to secure their perv sex club inside game. SEGA NA must to fired 60% of their employees and start hire competent people and not freeks via "progressive" quotas
8)Content 3/10 - 0.3
As soon as sega transfered most of devs from ngs to new SONIK game we start suffer from content quality drop (in total content was bad but now it just ultra lazzy ♥♥♥♥)
-most of time u will grind re runs of old events to farm sesonal points
-new mobs just rework of old mobs from base PSO or recolor of old mobs in NGS
9)Guild/Alliance content 1/10
- Alliance content -dead ♥♥♥♥ the only point to join alliance - get free money + sg but u need do Alliance quests (can be done in 60 min solo)
If ur leader will accept this game as second work u will enjoy game if ur leader like 80% of players in NGS XD well u will stuck in dead community where people rarely talk to each other literally 95% of alliances in this games liek this XD
-Ranking can suck ass) Leader need manually track waht his people doing if u don't know how to use Excel there no chance ur alliacne get normal amount of points for ranking.
-Alliance managment ui -♥♥♥♥ same as amount of info u can get from game
-0 alliance coop activities at all
10) Monetization 3/10 - 0.3
-mandatory prem
-2 AC fashion scratches GACHA per month regularry, so if u fashion addicted u will be in trouble .
-AC support scratch -mandatory pay to win ♥♥♥♥ coz this augments best in slot and for minmaxing u need it 100%
-Content/LVL skip - pay money to become lvl 80 idiot whith no clue waht u are even doing... sega gave u option skip content but forgot to add proper tutorial for this kind of players

So total score for this game - 3.4 /10:stress:

TLDR i wasted 3 years of my life on this ♥♥♥♥ was leader of top alliance on ship 4. managed 520 players in past 3 years and in the end disband my alliance to migrate to Guild Wars 2.
This game have no future, community cursed, population continues to decline.
in past 3 years sega learn nothing.
Boring content / eternal old event reruns /dead public queues.
My advice don't listen to Youtube content creators they ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sega slaves coz if game die they lost their work that why they mostly positive in their reviews. And ye, sega can ban u if u start openly criticize NGS.(in terms of content creators)
Dont waste ur life on this game find better game to play.
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25 hrs on record
last played on 13 Feb
352 hrs on record
last played on 10 Feb