Michael   Canada
Ex-Professional CS:GO player. Full time Pro from 2014-2019.
Twitch partner -> http://www.twitch.tv/uber

one of the best canadians to ever do it

------Online Achievements------

10th - FPL May 2018 Week 4 - $200

12th - ESL ESEA Pro League S26 - Rogue - $11,500

11th/9th - ESL ESEA Pro League S24 - Renegades/compLexity - $15,000

3rd - DreamHack Las Vegas NA Qualifier - compLexity - Qualified

1st - Northern Arena Montreal Qualifier - compLexity

11th - ESL ESEA Pro League s23 - compLexity - $8000

10th - ESEA Rank S July 2017 - $350

2nd - The World Championships Qualifier - Team Canada

6th - ESL ESEA Pro League s21 - Selfless - $23,500

8th - ESEA Rank S August 2016 - $1000

7th - ESEA Rank S July 2016 - $1250

6th - ESEA Rank S June 2016 - $1500

3rd - iBuyPower Spring Invitational - Selfless - $1000

9th - ESEA Rank S March 2016 - $500

5th/6th - RGN Pro Series - EnemyGG - $700

8th - ESL ESEA Pro League s20 - EnemyGG - $8500

1st - ESEA-Pro Relegation - EnemyGG - Moved to Pro

3rd - RGN Winter Classic II - EnemyGG - $1000

1st - ESEA-Premier s19 Regular Season (14-2)

3rd - RGN Professional League - $1000 and made LAN

1st - Quickshot North America #1 - Nexus - $1000

3rd - CEVO-Pro Placement - EnemyGG - Moved to Pro

2nd - ESEA-Premier s19 Playoffs $4,000

1st - Winout $20,000 LAN Qualifiers

2nd - CEVO-Main Playoffs $1700

1st - RGN Spring Classic - Tempo Gaming - $500


3rd - Launders LAN 2 2024 - (Jonji, JvXt, calamity, inseaniac, uber) $500


2nd - ESL ESEA Pro League Relegation LAN S28(2019) - Rogue - Kept Pro Spot


17th-22nd - World Electronic Sports Games 2017 - The Onliners


2nd - ESL ESEA Pro League Relegation LAN S26 - Rogue - Kept Pro Spot


1st - Top Fraggers Buffalo LAN (emode, wardell, connor93, uber, dallas) - $2000


13th/16th - DreamHack Las Vegas - compLexity - $5000


3rd/4th - VSPN-IGL China - compLexity - $12,000


7th/8th - Northern Arena 2016 Montreal - compLexity - $1250


5th-8th - Northern Arena 2016 Toronto - compLexity - $1250


3rd/4th - VALVe/MLG NA Minor Championship#2 - Selfless - $2500


5th/6th - DreamHack Austin 2016 - Selfless - $3000


3rd/4th - iBUYPOWER Invitational 2016 Spring - Selfless - $1000


7th/8th - CEVO Professional Season 9 LAN - Selfless - $2500


VALVe/MLG Columbus Major Qualifier - Selfless


1st - VALVe/MLG NA Minor Championship#1 - EnemyGG - $30,000


1st - Lan ETS 2016 - (uber, ape, rabbit, hitman, emode) - $6000


1st - WellPlayed #7 March - (uber, mth, corv, nas, allman) - $500


1st - WellPlayed #5 January - (hitman, emode, uber, glorinsz, hibachi) - $500


3rd/4th - Northern Arena 2015 - (dsr, uber, daps, robwiz, ape, synced) - $2500


1st - LANWarX (emode, uber, steel, hitman, gank) - $1500


5th/6th - RGN Pro Series LAN - EnemyGG - $700


2nd - Fragadelphia 6 - EnemyGG - $2000


7th/8th - WinOut.net $20,000 LAN - EnemyGG


1st - AMD AdrenaLAN Toronto (stat_ape, uber, emode, glorinsz, hitman) $1000


4th - AMD Radeon ExtravaLANza 2015 (relixGEA, Stoic, uber, emode, -MTH)


2nd - LAN EGL 2015 (troyboy, rabbit, launders, uber, fruit) $600
Currently Offline
Primary profile for @UberCSGO
Trade link - https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=94774761&token=rrHtCewR


Past Professional teams: EnemyGG, SelflessGG, Complexity, Rogue, Renegades (Standin)
Played 5 total ESL ESEA Pro League seasons, played 2 pro league relegation LANs (won both)
Played multiple seasons of CEVO's Professional CSGO league when it existed

here's a clip of me 1v5'ing in FPL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OLrpXNPNNo
------Online Achievements------

10th - FPL May 2018 Week 4 - $200

12th - ESL ESEA Pro League S26 - Rogue - $11,500

11th/9th - ESL ESEA Pro League S24 - Renegades/compLexity - $15,000

3rd - DreamHack Las Vegas NA Qualifier - compLexity - Qualified

1st - Northern Arena Montreal Qualifier - compLexity

11th - ESL ESEA Pro League s23 - compLexity - $8000

10th - ESEA Rank S July 2017 - $350

2nd - The World Championships Qualifier - Team Canada

6th - ESL ESEA Pro League s21 - Selfless - $23,500

8th - ESEA Rank S August 2016 - $1000

7th - ESEA Rank S July 2016 - $1250

6th - ESEA Rank S June 2016 - $1500

3rd - iBuyPower Spring Invitational - Selfless - $1000

9th - ESEA Rank S March 2016 - $500

5th/6th - RGN Pro Series - EnemyGG - $700

8th - ESL ESEA Pro League s20 - EnemyGG - $8500

1st - ESEA-Pro Relegation - EnemyGG - Moved to Pro

3rd - RGN Winter Classic II - EnemyGG - $1000

1st - ESEA-Premier/ECL s19 Regular Season (14-2)

3rd - RGN Professional League - $1000 and made LAN

1st - Quickshot North America #1 - Nexus - $1000

3rd - CEVO-Pro Placement - EnemyGG - Moved to Pro

2nd - ESEA-Premier/ECL s19 Playoffs $4,000 + ESL ESEA Pro League Spot

1st - Winout $20,000 LAN Qualifiers

2nd - CEVO-M Playoffs $1700

1st - RGN Spring Classic - Tempo Gaming - $500


2nd - ESL ESEA Pro League Relegation LAN S28(2019) - Rogue - Kept Pro Spot


17th-22nd - World Electronic Sports Games 2017 - The Onliners


2nd - ESL ESEA Pro League Relegation LAN S26 - Rogue - Kept Pro Spot


13th-16th - Dreamhack Las Vegas 2017 - compLexity - $5,000


1st - Top Fraggers Buffalo LAN (emode, wardell, connor93, uber, dallas) - $2000


13th/16th - DreamHack Las Vegas - compLexity - $5000


3rd/4th - VSPN-IGL China - compLexity - $12,000


7th/8th - Northern Arena 2016 Montreal - compLexity - $1250


5th-8th - Northern Arena 2016 Toronto - compLexity - $1250


3rd/4th - VALVe/MLG NA Minor Championship#2 - Selfless - $2500


5th/6th - DreamHack Austin 2016 - Selfless - $3000


3rd/4th - iBUYPOWER Invitational 2016 Spring - Selfless - $1000


7th/8th - CEVO Professional Season 9 LAN - Selfless - $2500


VALVe/MLG Columbus Major Qualifier - Selfless


1st - VALVe/MLG NA Minor Championship#1 - EnemyGG - $30,000


1st - Lan ETS 2016 - (uber, ape, rabbit, hitman, emode) - $6000


1st - WellPlayed #7 March - (uber, mth, corv, nas, allman) - $500


1st - WellPlayed #5 January - (hitman, emode, uber, glorinsz, hibachi) - $500


3rd/4th - Northern Arena 2015 - (dsr, uber, daps, robwiz, ape, synced) - $2500


1st - LANWarX (emode, uber, steel, hitman, gank) - $1500


5th/6th - RGN Pro Series LAN - EnemyGG - $700


2nd - Fragadelphia 6 - EnemyGG - $2000


7th/8th - WinOut.net $20,000 LAN - EnemyGG


1st - AMDLAN Toronto (stat_ape, uber, emode, glorinsz, hitman) $1000


4th - AMD Radeon ExtravaLANza 2015 (relixGEA, Stoic, uber, emode, -MTH)


2nd - LAN EGL 2015 (troyboy, rabbit, launders, uber, fruit) $600
Favorite Game
FREAKZILLA 11 Mar @ 4:52pm 
Jaylin Jr. 10 Mar @ 5:51pm 
terrible ex pro, called us cheaters after we whooped his ass. 2700 elo dropping 6 kills in an mm game gotta be embarrassing
Ne6n 9 Mar @ 5:59pm 
owned this guy on train ez
Charlos 7 Mar @ 7:06pm 
Will more than likely call you a cheater because you are better than him
red bean soup 7 Mar @ 7:05pm 
washed ex pro thinks randoms are cheating
siu 7 Mar @ 1:16pm 
-rep just cuz