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115.0 hrs on record (95.1 hrs at review time)
As of early December 2022: Still a little buggy, still missing some features, but the core gameplay is really great.

I would probably suggest waiting a few weeks to buy, if I'm totally honest. But I would buy, if I hadn't already. :-P
Posted 5 December, 2022.
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10 people found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
Not so much a real time strategy as a real time tactics game, along the line of Eugens previous games or 2007's World in Conflict (or the original Ground Control). It's a bit of a special kind of game, and might not be for everyone, but for the kind of gamer who likes the genre, it's really great and highly recommended!
Posted 23 June, 2018.
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