toxic_train (aka SPA)
Most of my games are on GOG, I keep Steam minimal.

- directly banned from Project Zomboid Workshop. Reason: I am against racists and racism. Pz mod reason: "Russophile in Workshop" (sic!) So if you are against racism - you love Russian. This is what "Russophile" is. Story: I asked one guy with Ukro flag if he is Bandera supporter ("More Builds Plus Lite") and got instant (!) permanent (!) ban.

- I talked to NasKo in PM over his PZ website, he responded to me like .. a wall. Zero word exchange, completely one-sided. He was perfectly aware of my ban as he didn't ask any time to inquire. Sure, "Slava Ukraini, Heroyam slava", literally means "Heil Ukraine, heil to its heros" and their heroes are: Bandera, Shukhevich, Stetsko - ALL OUN/far-right. And the greeting itself was accepted in June 1941 in Adolf-occupied Cracow. And remember Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Melnik openly publicly said Bandera is his hero - and got kicked for this by Germans out of Germany. But just a year later Scholz publicly calls "Slava Ukraini" in Bundestag.

- from 9 July 2023 steam started wiping my profile without any explaination or reason.
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Russian Fishing 4
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2,404 hrs on record
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last played on 9 Feb
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last played on 2 Feb