Torched Heavily
Robert Torch
Into Hell I fell,
I writhed in pain from the fire,
Escape would not come.
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The Most Overrated Game in Human History

Full Critique:

I will try and keep this brief, but the tl;dr version is that the story is pretty awful, the gameplay is just okay, and the visuals and sound are amazing.

First off, the opening in White Orchard is pretty great. You get some good quests, and a good feel for what you will be doing for the rest of the game. The first scene in Vizima is kind of annoying. Geralt is somewhat disrespectful and flippant toward the Nilfgaardians and the Emperor, which really bothers me because he wasn’t like this toward leaders in prior games.

The whole story in Velen is pretty great, but it’s a really big contrivance that Both Uma and Ciri managed to end up with the Baron. And Geralt does nothing to prevent the crones from either eating the orphans or cursing the Barons wife. Even though they strongly suggest doing one or the other depending on your choice with the tree spirit.

Novigrad is kind of tedious. You spend a lot of time just looking for people. And at the end of it, all you learn is some words related to a curse. It really feels as though you put in a lot of effort for very little. There is also problems with the magic system that are very evident in this section. For some reason, you can only use the dream lady once, even though she could be useful for finding dandelion. And the dopplers can apparently take the form of animals, as well as copy magical abilities from humans that they copy. (When Geralt hunts a doppler it changes into him and uses quen shield.) This makes dopplers insanely powerful. Not only would they make unbelievably good spies or assassins. (Due to all of the options they have in transforming.) They can also use magical spells from those they copy. The limits are never touched upon in game, so for all I know they can copy Ciri’s power as well.

Skellige is the next section, and this is spent with the most evil character in game, Yennefer. She drags Geralt around the islands, and commits wanton destruction throughout the islands. All while treating Geralt like her lap dog. Geralt always goes along with it, because he is a simp. And at the end of all this destruction, she takes Geralt to help her make a wish, a freakin wish! Does she use this wish to find Ciri? Or help lift the curse from Uma? NO! She uses it to confirm her feelings for Geralt. She cause all of the destruction across Skellige while knowing of the dijn’s existence, and then uses it to satisfy her feelings. What an absolute joke.

Next we have the battle at Kaer Morhen. And this is one of the most idiotic moments I have ever seen in a game. The Wild Hunt essentially has its own army and yet Geralt and Company decide to have battle with them in the run down keep of Kaer Morhen, with at at most, 16 people. Crach in Skellige offers his castle, (The one built into an island mountain and elevated hundreds of feet above water with its own garrison.) but Geralt is like ‘naw’. And then the Emperor offers a banner of men to be led by one of his generals, but again Geralt is like ‘nope’.

So they have their fight at Kaer Morhen and the Hunt pretty much annihilates them. THEN… Geralt gets frozen. Directly in the path of the Hunt. And does the Hunt kill him? NO! THEY WALK RIGHT PAST HIM! HE IS COMPLETELY DEFENSELESS! AND THEY WALK RIGHT PAST HIM! WHY!!! It’s not cool! It is absolutely stupid!

Then the hunt kills Vesimir, and all I can say is that he got what he deserved for ever suggesting that they have the fight at Kaer Morhen. Ciri then does a magic ex machina and the Hunt runs away.

Next, we do a bunch of stuff with Ciri that determines whether or not she dies. And these choices are usually to just let her do what she wants. Even when the choices make no sense or are downright immoral.

Then after we defeat the Wild Hunt. Ciri has her elven friend open a portal that lets monsters and fireballs rain down on all of the people who had just helped her to defeat the wild hunt. What a POS. She goes though the portal and defeats the White Frost like it’s nothing.

Then, if you did the things that made her happy, she lives to either be a Witcher or the empress of Nilfgaard.

The story is awful and I hate most of the main characters

The gameplay is fine, but the leveling system is very restrictive. And the game is easy even on Death March. (Even with level matching on.) The way to defeat all of your enemies is to side step their attack and then attack them when their move is over.

The game looks and sounds fantastic. My biggest complaints are the repeated models for characters, and the annoying VO for the loading scenes.

And that is the condensed version of why I think this game is the most overrated in the history of the world.

(btw the DLC is actually amazing.)
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