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Recent reviews by Tooko

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252.5 hrs on record (160.1 hrs at review time)
Yes it takes less than 10 minutes to make a PSN account.

>Lives in an unsupported country
>Wasted 10 minutes
>Sony will perma ban VPN account due to their TOS violation over regional issues
>Saved up all my 3rd world salary to buy a fun game, now they won't even let us have that fun just cuz we ain't reech enough to be supported
>What a time of gaming to be alive
Posted 4 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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71.1 hrs on record (29.4 hrs at review time)
>Very fun and addicting in the first few hours, after that is more grinding than actually playing
>Brutal diff is actually fun playing with group
>Limited arsenal, but each gun feels unique in gameplay (not the sound tho), but still need variety nonetheless
>Lee Enfield 2OP pls Nerf lawl
>Buff M1 Garand/10 Would Recommend for casual players who want to have some good time kicking dead funny austrian man right in the nut sack.
Posted 24 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
16.4 hrs on record (9.3 hrs at review time)
>Timeless masterpiece of its time, still good for what it is today
>Physics goes BRRRRRRRR
>Very fun and addictive gameplay, aged like fine wine\
>Horror element is always balance nicely, but mostly it's more about combat
>Bit wonky on the new hardwares
Alma Best Girl 10/10
Posted 24 April, 2021.
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176.2 hrs on record (83.7 hrs at review time)
>Actually great time killer for open world game
>One of those last decent Ubisoft game before the great darkness period.
>War crimes are better with friends, would recommend grabbing it playing with a group
>Great variety to commit said war crimes, in weapons, vehicles and more ( But mostly just the helicopter )
>Bowman's flash course on how to make funny white powder.
>The 1001th El GetRekt/10 Grab it on sale
Posted 24 April, 2021.
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12 people found this review helpful
29.1 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
>It's actually bad by design for narrative reasons
>It's actually a tour guide to your forever stay in Dubai, hope you enjoy hell and willy pete
>Boot it up once in awhile to feel crap about yourself while you are helpless to do nothing but watch
>Walker keeps walking
>How many American have your killed today?/10 Would recommend check it out for the fresh experience of having to actually take responsibility for your war crimes.
Posted 24 April, 2021.
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540.6 hrs on record (470.6 hrs at review time)
+Really fine shooting mechanic and feedbacks
+Detailed weapons, actually workable stable official servers
+No 2 matches are the same, except when there's some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ doing lv 3 firebug and we all died brutally on HOE
+Extra learning curves that require some attention to the Zed's attacking patterns
+Not really much contents to ♥♥♥♥ around with
+Tripwire bullied me for my lunch money for a Mosin Nagant and a Riot Shield
+Game's fun for casuals, if the casuals don't go into a public HOE match with underleveled perks, it won't be fun for ANYONE
+10 Dollars/10 will play a group friends.
Posted 2 April, 2020.
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367.5 hrs on record (227.2 hrs at review time)
+Not a cute girl doing cute things kind of game
+Brutally hard on your first playthrough/first timer to the series, gets easier overtime
+Some of you are here for Kai's buttcheeks, advertising not lying
+I can hear the snow singing ''Katchusa''
+Story's from ''aww'' to ''War, War's changed...''
+DLCs are actually great, with actual ''Plots''
Attack Weak Point/10 would totally spam Kai again
Posted 2 April, 2020.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries