Josh Enes   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
I too know what it feels like to be thirsty.
I too have had a dry mouth.
Online just nu
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Timmar spelade
SHiSH 6 sep @ 15:23 
enabled: true
event: agent_arrested
- [not_tag, agent, squad]
- [not_faction, agent, civilian]
- [not_tag, entity, arrested]
- [tag_set, entity, arrested, null]
- [var_modify, tracking_mission_agents_arrested, 1]

enabled: true
event: agent_arrested
- [not_tag, agent, squad]
- [not_faction, agent, civilian]
- [not_tag, agent, arrested]
- [tag_set, agent, arrested, null]
- [var_modify, tracking_mission_agents_arrested, 1]
SHiSH 6 sep @ 15:23 
Hi, Can you fix this Arresting Developments achievement?

According to information from one player.

It is clear that the developers tried to implement a system in which it would be impossible to arrest the same enemy multiple times, but at the same time they got confused in the description of objects, so it turned out that each agent is allocated one correct arrest, after which the arrests made by him cease to be taken into account.
Zack 1 okt, 2023 @ 12:16 
Thank you for making my favorite hat,The hottie's Hoodie.
The Muffin Man 6 apr, 2019 @ 20:35 
Signal Ops doesn't get enough love. It's an amazing game.
aussieasf 6 jun, 2016 @ 13:19 
Hey I have a suggestion for the big country, so when I go to wear the max head with it with its hard hat the hard hat disappears and idk if you could fix that and another thing I was wondering if you could make this multi class because id love to see this on medic or heavy with a beard thanks.
Renim ☕ 24 maj, 2016 @ 9:05 
A small suggestion: Could you update the Hotties Hoodie to have a fireless/clean style? thanks <3