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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 9.6 год. загалом (9.3 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 7 берез. 2022 о 21:18

Have played all of the Amnesia games as of now including SOMA,the story was intresting and so was the game,I was reading other reviews of people saying there was a lack of monster chasing you or lurking around.. I wouldn't say that,its just people who've known amnesia series for so long and have played through these games anticipate and are prepared for them,if its a new person with innocent mind going its a whole different story,I think it was perfectly balanced out,the monsters chasing you or lurking around also just showing you monster but they're just there eating something or just some scary scenes all of it was balanced out I liked it.

Looking foward to a new Amnesia or something similar to SOMA which I loved a lot.
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