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게시 일시: 2019년 1월 17일 오전 8시 35분

CS:GO 평가
Despite all the problems related to making the game free to play i still think it' worth playing.
As long as you keep the skill gap (rank wise) while playing with friends as close as possible, the chances of hackers in your or the enemy team are rather low.
As soon as you start enlarging that gap (e.g. playing in a team of lem with someone ak1 or ak2 or even gold-master) it's getting a real problem tho.

Other solutions to the classic matchmaking like esea, faceit or esportal are quite enjoyable.
Classic deathmatch, wargames or whatever there is to play aside from matchmaking is sadly unplayable concerning the hackers.

In conclusion: Play the game as long as you enjoy it and don't let hackers behinder you in having a good experience. Once it gets too bad, play on another platform as mentioned above. Their anticheat is working way better than valve's.
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