MiamiPepe TTV
Pinto   Florida, United States
多個遊戲封鎖紀錄 | 資訊
距離上次封鎖共 826 天
總時數 2,090 小時
最後執行於 12 月 29 日
總時數 0.8 小時
最後執行於 12 月 29 日
成就進度   2 / 15
總時數 238 小時
最後執行於 12 月 29 日
成就進度   29 / 36
ttv.fleamarketbill 11 月 28 日 下午 4:50 
sowwy for cawwing you pee pee]
MiamiPepe TTV 11 月 2 日 上午 8:08 
Muwtipwe gawme bans iws wiwd! it’s unfowtunate thawt nowt aww of us cawn affowd pwicey monitows with buiwt in cwosshaiws, doctow! see uwu own the fwip side, homie!
aimzee_ 10 月 30 日 下午 9:35 
Multiple game bans is WILD! It’s unfortunate that not all of us can afford pricey monitors with built in crosshairs, Doctor! See you on the flip side, homie!
Caroline 10 月 26 日 下午 6:03 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
Incompetent Crytek Developers 10 月 26 日 下午 12:36 
Easy kill, even with your xhair overlay and multiple game bans, you're still too ez. Imagine getting destroyed while cheating. Shame.
BubbaTea 10 月 26 日 上午 7:12 
GG, Always a pleasure running into you in game!