good old days
Only Account. No Storage. No Smurf. No Alts.

Copile, ai grijă mereu ce faci! Te trădează un surub, de oameni nu mai vorbim!

resolution 4/3 1280x1024 / 1024x768
crosshair: it's irrelevant, I change them but u can ask for through a comment
cfg: is the default, same as the crosshair it's irrelevant
mouse: Hyperx Pulsefire FPS Pro
game sens. "1.7"
windows sens. "6"
dpi 400

bind r "+reload; r_cleardecals"
bind w "+forward;r_cleardecals";bind a "+moveleft;r_cleardecals";bind s "+back;r_cleardecals";bind d "+moveright;r_cleardecals"

-novid -tickrate 128 -high -threads 6 +fps_max 0 +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1 +rate 128000 +cl_updaterate 128 +cl_cmdrate 128 +mat_queue_mode 2 -freq 144 -refresh 144 -d3d9ex -nojoy

Εκτός σύνδεσης
1 αποκλεισμός VAC | Πληροφορίες
1590 μέρες από τον τελευταίο αποκλεισμό
Προθήκη κριτικών
5.382 ώρες παιχνιδιού
Mic istoric Counter-Strike Global:Offensive

Joc Counter-Strike Global:Offensive din vara anului 2014 inca de cand am intrat la liceu, unde am fost indemnat de catre colegi sa incep sa ma joc cu ei. Usor, usor a inceput sa imi placa foarte mult si pe zi ce trece imi doream sa devin din ce in ce mai bun ajungand in punctul in care sa iubesc acest joc si sa devin foarte addicted.
Am reusit sa fac Global pe Matchmaking dupa aproximativ 10 luni de joc, primul meu rank fiind Master Guardian I.

Dupa ce am reusit sa urc pana in global m-am apucat de ESEA si Faceit unde am reusit sa evoluez foarte mult si sa joc din ce in ce mai bine, rezultatele observandu-se de la o zi la alta.
Pe Faceit am participat bineinteles si la primele competitii si warnight-uri din viata mea unde am intalnit jucatori mult mai buni decat mine si asta m-a motivat sa fiu din ce in ce mai bun.
Pe ESEA am participat aproximativ in fiecare sezon alaturi de echipa din care am facut parte, reusind sa obtinem rezultate semnificative avand in vedere nivelul scenei de gaming din Romania la momentul respectiv. Am reusit sa obtin rank-ul A in mai putin de 6 luni progresand foarte mult pe partea individuala.

Cea mai mare realizare de cand ma joc CS:GO a fost participarea mea la concursurile de tip LAN, marea majoritate fiind organizate in Germania unde am obtinut rezultate destul de bune.
De asemeni am obtinut rezultate foarte bune si pe platforma ONLINE participand la diferite Coups s.a.m.d.

Asadar toate fiind spuse, iti multumesc totusi ca ai avut rabdare sa imi citesti aceasta mica "poveste" din spatele orelor petrecute in acest joc.

Best regards,
Serban "sdp" Daniel
Αντικείμενα για ανταλλαγή
Ολοκληρωμένες ανταλλαγές
Συναλλαγές αγοράς
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Items in Showcase above are for sale, add me for more information.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ No, I will not give you free stuff. Asking = Block

First, read this notification please.
If you want to trade with me, write me first, we will discuss everything, so that you and me will be satisfied. I won't accept offers with unreasonably price. Don't send me offer without saying anything. I don't send offers on my behalf, we can discuss all the details of the offer or i can send a counter offer, if something is wrong.
If you have items on other accounts, please note me about this.

:steamy: Click Here to Send Trade Offer

Don't add me if you have nothing or low quality inventory. I'm not a donator. I don't give alms. Don't be greedy and overprice. Please, don't waste your and my time, if you have nothing to offer.
I'm a trader so I'll be glade to trade with you on beneficial terms. Feel free to choose and offer.

You can add me on steam but i can't guarntee that you will be accepted. So it would be better if you send me an offer or just leave a comment what would you like to trade. I think it's easier and faster for both sides.
Everything in my inventory is for trade, so feel free to offer.
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♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ have a life
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