:kb_penguin: Linux enthusiast. Running Fedora Linux KDE Spin.

Retro enthusiast. Currently proud owner of two C64's, one Amiga 500, one Sgi Indy and an IBM Aptiva running Windows 98 SE.

The Amiga 500 has been modded with the ACE2b 2MB memory upgrade, the ACA500Plus (for acceleration and booting AmigaOS 3.1.4 from CF card) and the ACA1221lc Turbo card to make it even faster.
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Linux User Group - Grupo público
SteamLUG - The Steam Linux User Group
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39 horas de jogo
Get a decent racing wheel with force feedback for this one because you'll need it!

Amazing when you sense through your steering wheel that the front tyres are skipping over the tarmac! Wow.

In case you're running Linux. I choose the Wine Steam DXVK version because I wanted the Direct3D to Vulcan layer to utilize my AMD card. It runs pretty much the same as on Windows. Pitty my racing wheel isn't fully supported yet. Once that is the case I can enjoy this sim even more.
Capturas de tela favoritas
X-Plane 11
tfk 26/out./2021 às 11:46 
No man, its all fun for me. Always great to help another Linux user out.
Der tüddelige Fußgänger 26/out./2021 às 11:43 
Take my steam coins thabk you for your tims <3