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150 av 188 (80%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer


Successfully siege and capture a city by seizing its victory points during a campaign battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Champion of the Gods

Attain the maximum rank with a champion-type agent during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Noble Master

Attain the maximum rank with a dignitary-type agent during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Legendary Commander

Attain the maximum rank with a general / admiral during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Attain the maximum rank with a spy-type agent during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Attain the maximum rank with any unit during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Capture 30 settlements.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Destroy or subjugate a faction.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 5:04

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

Fully expand and upgrade a province capital.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Great Library

Research all available technologies in a single campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Die is Cast

Become involved in a civil war.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

In the Footsteps of Great Men

Complete a campaign chapter’s primary objective and all associated historical objectives.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

When in Rome…

Win a campaign by cultural victory.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Beyond the Dreams of Avarice

Win a campaign by economic victory.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

Win a campaign by military victory.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Win a campaign on legendary difficulty.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

This is Total War!

Win the game having declared war on every faction the turn you encountered them, as well as never negotiating a peace treaty.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Their Legacy Lives On

Win a campaign whilst fielding an army or fleet that has existed continuously since the start of your campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Tempus Fugit

Play 20 campaign turns.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 4:24

The Lost Eagle

Defeat someone who already has this achievement in any multiplayer battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Kill 10,000 men in battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Kill 100,000 men in battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Kill 1,000,000 men in battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Legatus Legionis

Win 50 land battles during campaign play.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Praefectus Classis

Win 50 naval battles during campaign play.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Walled Crown

Win 25 siege attack battles during campaign play.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Crown of the Preserver

Win 25 siege defence battles during campaign play.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Wipe Them Out… All of Them!

Win a campaign battle having completely wiped out all enemy units, a minimum of 1000 men, before claiming victory.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Enslave 1000 battle captives.
Upplåst 12 jan, 2015 @ 6:01


Execute 1000 battle captives.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Release 1000 battle captives.
Upplåst 16 dec, 2014 @ 23:30

Vae Victis

Sack the city of Rome as a barbarian tribe in the Grand Campaign
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

I Will Find a Way or Make One

As Carthage, recruit a unit of elephants.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Status Quo

Achieve victory with any faction without getting involved in a secession or a civil war.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

A League of Their Own

As Macedon, establish Athens, Epirus and Sparta as client states.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Field Commander

Win a quickmatch land multiplayer battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Primus Inter Pares

Win a multiplayer campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Start at least 5 multiplayer campaigns.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Play at least 10 multiplayer battles.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Master Tactician

Play at least 50 multiplayer battles.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete a campaign on Hard difficulty.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Master Strategist

Complete a campaign on Very Hard difficulty.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Et tu…?

Successfully assassinate a member of your own family faction.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete a campaign as the Arverni.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The New Hannibal

Complete a campaign as Carthage.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Pharaoh of the World

Complete a campaign as Egypt.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

British Empire

Complete a campaign as the Iceni.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Alexander's Legacy

Complete a campaign as Macedon.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The New Xerxes

Complete a campaign as Parthia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Roma Invicta

Complete a campaign as Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Furor Germanicus

Complete a campaign as the Suebi.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Heir of Mithridates

Complete a campaign as Pontus.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

This is Sparta!

Complete a campaign as Sparta.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Heir of Pyrrhus

Complete a campaign as Epirus.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Philosopher King

Complete a campaign as Athens.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete 1 hour of gameplay.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 4:27


Complete 10 hours of gameplay.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete 100 hours of gameplay.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete 500 hours of gameplay.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

God of War!

Complete 1000 hours of gameplay.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete the Prologue campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Issue 10 edicts in a single campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Accumulate 1,000,000 talents in your treasury during a single campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Pontifex Maximus

Construct a Pantheon during a Roman campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Play 100 campaign turns.
Upplåst 16 dec, 2014 @ 1:32


Capture 3 settlements.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 11:33

Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Win the Siege of Carthage on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Alexandrine War

Win the Battle of the Nile on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Reclaiming the Desert

Win the Battle of Raphia on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Disaster Averted

Recover at least one legionary eagle from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Boat that Rocked

Successfully breach a wall using naval artillery in any battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Great Balls of Fire

Field a ballista or large onager artillery unit in a siege battle during a campaign game.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Unleash Hades!

Kill 200 men with siege artillery in any single battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Successfully capture one of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage or Alexandria, in battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Grand Tour

Successfully capture all of the great cities of the ancient world, Rome, Athens, Carthage and Alexandria, in battle during a single campaign game.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Weapon of Mass Destruction

Kill 5000 men in battle with siege artillery during the course of a campaign game.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Impenetrable Wall

Successfully defend a city without losing a single victory point during a campaign battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Successfully ambush and defeat an enemy army in a campaign battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Successfully defeat the enemy when ambushed during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Great Escape

Successfully escape from a campaign ambush battle with at least 75% of your starting units.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Seize the Initiative!

Attack an encampment and win without losing more than 15% of your starting force.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Hold Your Ground!

Successfully defend an encampment, during a campaign, without losing more than 10% of your starting force.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Look to the Defences

Successfully defend an encampment, during a campaign, without losing more than 25% of your starting force.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

In the Navy!

Fight a battle with naval units in any campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

On Land & Sea

Fight a combined battle during a campaign using both land and naval forces.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Dock of the Bay

Fight a combined land and naval siege battle during a campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Sink more than 10 enemy ships in a single campaign battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

First Time Lucky

Use at least 1 special ability during a campaign battle.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 5:14

The Power of Three

Use at least 3 different special abilities during a campaign battle.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle, without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Close but No Amphora

Complete an entire campaign, winning every battle except one, without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Every Day I'm not Auto-resolving

Complete an entire campaign, with 10 or fewer defeats, without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Fight 100 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Fight 10 battles in a single campaign without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Fight a battle from the campaign map without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 12 dec, 2014 @ 5:14


Win a campaign battle, using only cavalry units, without auto-resolving.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Mare Nostrum

Win 25 or more naval battles in a single campaign game.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Balanced Force

Win a campaign battle using one of every class of land unit: melee infantry, missile infantry, missile cavalry, melee cavalry, siege weapons.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Carthago Delenda Est

As Rome, destroy the Carthaginian faction.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Legio Victrix

Attain the maximum rank with an army or navy during a campaign game.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

This Army Will Fight On

Recover at least two legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Masters of Germania

Recover all three legionary eagles from Teutoburg Forest on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Bello Gallico

Complete the entire Caesar in Gaul campaign.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Gallic War

Win the Battle of Alesia on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Punic War

Win the Battle of Zama on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Pincer Movement

Win the Battle of Cannae on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Arevaci Ascendant

Complete the Hannibal at the Gates campaign as the Arevaci.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Ba'al-Hammon Be Praised

Complete the Hannibal at the Gates campaign as Carthage.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

In The Name Of Cariociecus

Complete the Hannibal at the Gates campaign as the Lusitani.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete the Hannibal at the Gates campaign as Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Get Heiro, Baby

Complete the Hannibal at the Gates campaign as Syracuse.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Hoist the Colours!

Complete a campaign as the Ardiaei.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Celtiberia Victorious

Complete a campaign as the Arevaci.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Baktria to the Future

Complete a campaign as Baktria.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

That’s my Boii

Complete a campaign as the Boii.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Anatolia Not to Come

Complete a campaign as the Galatians.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Getae In!

Complete a campaign as the Getae.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Fast & Lusitani

Complete a campaign as the Lusitani.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

We Can’t Axe for More

Complete a campaign as the Massagetae.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Struck a Nervii

Complete a campaign as the Nervii.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Thrace for Impact

Complete a campaign as the Odrysian Kingdom.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Put On Your Red Light

Complete a campaign as the Roxolani.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

My Kingdom for a Horse

Complete a campaign as Royal Scythia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Megas Basileus

Complete a campaign as the Seleucid Empire.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49


Complete a campaign as Syracuse.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Comontorios Eternal

Complete a campaign as Tylis.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Phalanx But No Thanks

Win the Battle of Pydna on normal difficulty or higher.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Greatest Armenia

Complete the Grand Campaign as Armenia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Princeps Civitatis

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Octavian's Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

A Plain, Blunt Man

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Antony's Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Tigranes Magnus

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Armenia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Champions of Zalmoxis

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Dacia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Glory of the Father

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Egypt.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

No More the Fool

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Lepidus's Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Bellum Germanicum

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as the Marcomanni.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

King of Kings

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Parthia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Pompeius Magnus

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Pompey's Rome.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Andraste's Way or the Highway!

Complete the Imperator Augustus campaign as Iceni.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Conquer Fear

Win a battle with nightmare mode enabled
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

“No, I’m Spartacus!”

Complete a campaign as Cimmeria.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

A Colchis Goodbye

Complete a campaign as Colchis.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

A Trip Around the Earth

Complete a campaign as Massilia.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Pergamon Champion

Complete a campaign as Pergamon.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

The Golden Age

Complete the Wrath of Sparta campaign as Athenai.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Where Ares Dances

Complete the Wrath of Sparta campaign as the Boiotian League.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Heart & Soul

Complete the Wrath of Sparta campaign as Korinthos.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

Spartan Supremacy

Complete the Wrath of Sparta campaign as Sparta.
Upplåst 24 jan, 2015 @ 6:49

A Relic of the Past

Declare war on a faction in Single player or Multiplayer Campaign during MWNL2, between 00:01GMT on 12/02/2015 to 23:59 GMT on 15/02/2015.
Upplåst 14 feb, 2015 @ 3:22

Company of Zeroes, more like…

Win a single battle during MWNL2 (any battle type in single player campaign, or multiplayer campaign), between 00:01GMT on 12/02/2015 to 23:59 GMT on 15/02/2015.
Upplåst 14 feb, 2015 @ 3:22

Make War, Not Love

Win at least one battle (any battle type in single player campaign, or multiplayer campaign) on 14/02/2015, Valentine’s Day.
Upplåst 14 feb, 2015 @ 3:22

Horse Called 'War'

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Alani.

Unity is Power

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as Armenia.

There Can Be Only One

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Caledoni.

The Great Pretender

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as Gallic Rome.

Romanus Maximus

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Gothi.

Unite the Tribes

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Marcomanni.

Queen of the Orient

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as Palmyra.

Restitutor Orbis

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as Rome.

King of All Kings

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Sassanid Empire.

Winds of Change

Complete the Empire Divided campaign as the Saxoni.

Mr. Super-Clean

Complete the Empire Divided campaign without allowing an outbreak of Plague in one of the regions you control.


Complete the heroic event chains for all five heroic factions (Rome, Gallic Rome, Palmyra, the Gothi and the Sassanids).
0 / 5

Asking for Trouble

Survive 100 banditry events in the Empire Divided campaign.
0 / 100

Almost Famous

Win a campaign without ever reforming to the Empire government type.

Unitas in Varitete

Upgrade all three cults to their maximum level in a single region during the Empire Divided campaign.

Of Gold and Gods

Complete a campaign as Kush.

Sacred Petra

Complete a campaign as Nabatea.

Rise of Numidia

Complete a campaign as Masaesyli.

The Spice Must Flow

Complete a campaign as Saba.

Mater Patriae

Complete a campaign with a female faction leader.

Warrior Queen of the Iceni

Win a battle with Boudica.


Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Insubres.

The Tower of Power

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Iolei.

Second Founder of Rome

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as Rome.

Linen Legionnaire

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Samnites.

Gallia Italiana

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Senones.

Make Syracuse Great Again

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as Syracuse.


Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as Taras.

Tomb Maker

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as Tarchuna.

My Kingdom for a Horse

Complete the Rise of the Republic campaign as the Veneti.

Conquered Carthage Before it was Cool

Capture the city of Carthage in the Rise of the Republic Campaign.

Etruscan Megapolis

Develop all buildings in the Etruscan capital to level 6.

Warring States

Help either Sparta, Corinth, or Athens to win the war.

Rome in Flames

Win both campaign battles in Rise of the Republic, and capture Rome as a non-Roman faction.

Old School Republic

Have a general that has been both a consul and dictator.

Great Dynasty

Expand your family to include 100 characters.

Bloody Murder

Kill or wound 300 characters with Champion actions.

Scythian Legend

Acquire the "Plough and Yoke", "Axe", and "Bowl" skills with a single character.