I'm Toko, the owner of "BN Autoworks".
"Do you think you can survive the top?"
"Crash and burn is what you're gonna do; I am a master of the asphalt fight
They all said I'd best give it up; What a fool, to believe their lies"

"I feel like music does have a role to play in waking people up; it can be an alarm clock, or it can be a lullaby." - Debby Ryan

"What is power without control?" - Keiichi Tsuchiya

"What's TRUE and what IS aren't always the same." - Achilles

"Some people are just supposed to suffer. That's why the Red Sox will never win the damn series." - Christian Shephard

"No, thats not right, you need to press jump and forward together for me to clear the gap." - Lara Croft
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HKS Racing
VAC Ban - MW2 [en.wikipedia.org]
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