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Közzétéve: 2015. okt. 10., 0:07

Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Even though the game is still in Early Access it's a really good survival simulator, there are tons of things you can do and Role Play in this game at it's current state, I prefer playing in the Vegan Mode because I'm not really looking for a FPS. More features are added frequently and the devs are quick to patch bugs. Still needs to have a little more story elements added in order to be more enjoyable (for me) but other than that it's definitely worth the money.
+ Excellent role playing elements
+ Very good crafting system 10/10
+ Huge map with lots of things to do and collect at every inch.
+ You actually feel like you're surviving, every element (food, water, weather etc) has an effect
+ Constantly gets updates (On the menu it shows when the next update is)
+ Most bugs fixed quickly by devs
+ Enemies are challenging
+ Very nice graphics, sometimes (when you manage live for that long) you just sit back and look at how nice everything looks

- Enemies can be too challenging, sometimes they attack you in massive hordes.. (needs to be fixed)
- Minor glitches here and there (it's expected as Early Access)
- NPC AI needs to be fixed, animals are too dumb sometimes.. (just casually walk into my fire and die)
- There needs to be more weapons rather than just a few axes a bow and a flare gun..
- Food problems.. (at it's current state) you don't need to look for food, just collect all the chocolate bars from the luggage, then save the game and come back, all the luggage will be full again.. you can have as many chocolate bars as you like.. (needs to be fixed)
- Water, there are lots of ways you can find water in the wild, these should be in the game, and why does soda somehow replenish thirst? Soda needs to be replaced with actual bottles of water.

All in all it's a good game for your money and it's still in early development so expect things to get better from here. If you're into survival, RPG, horror or management games you will like this.

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