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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
27.9 godz. łącznie
The game has its fair share of bugs and glitches, but the fun factor is undeniable. Easily one of the best open world games I've ever played. I put it right up there with GTA:SA. The amazing licensed soundtracks only enhance the experience. Definitely buy it, but be careful of what issues you might run into. I really hope that they remaster this masterpiece someday.
Opublikowana: 26 września 2021.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.1 godz. łącznie
It took me 10+ tries just to install the freaking R* launcher, after installing it crashes like crazy.

Launcher issues are massive and need to fixed, apart from that they havent fixed any of the problems that plagued the original. They only removed GFWL after years of it being dead along with removing a few licensed stuff.

Screw the R* launcher and screw this hack job of a Complete Edition.
Opublikowana: 29 marca 2020.
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Według 3 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
11.3 godz. łącznie
Quite possibly the best Telltale game made, if you are not a fan of these sort of games you wont like it but if you like me do like to play these games when you have the time for them then its a easy buy for you. The combat is much more refined you still dont actually do much like always but its quite nice to see you have to option to choice during combat as to which maneuver you will perform on your enemy.

The plot is mostly straightforward with some good curve-balls thrown in, the characters and your relationship to them changes from chapter to chapter and episode to episode so that keeps things interesting, The voice-over actors did a commendable job here. The only complaint I have is that in some episodes like ep2 and ep3 you play much less as Batman and more as Bruce which servers the story well but doesnt let you be the Batman, I wish a choice was given where you could chose between either one in those missions, that option is given you once in ep1 but that's it nowhere else do you get that I wish more missions were like that.

All in all If you don't like TellTale sorta game this wont change your mind however if you like these sort of game this is one of the strongest entries in the TT catalogue.
Opublikowana: 22 stycznia 2019.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
150.5 godz. łącznie (146.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I can go on about how great the game is overall how good the story side quests and characters are and i only have minor issues with it just realize this game is length and can get addictive especially if you are a fan of the series like me. Its one the best games I have played. Gwent the card collecting game which CDPR will be releasing as a standalone game acts as a precursor mini-game here and is highly addicting and if you buy the blood and wine dlc you get the new skellige faction which is really fun to play and mixes things up alongside a new gwent mission which can be lengthy and thats good for a gwent addict like me totally optional of course if you dont want to play it as its a secondary quest. Just wanted to post this review for those who maybe want to buy the game but not the expansions trust me do yourself a favor and buy them they both offer a very distinct feel and you will do stuff that would not suitable for the main game.

I really look forward to games CDPR will release in the future not only because of the high quality of their games thus far but also because of how well they treat their customers unlike many so called AAA publisher/developer who either produce a broken or re-skinned iterative title and to get the full experience you need to pay for season pass which has little to no content and is riddled with micro transactions some of which even go as far as hiding created content behind a paywall. The crux of the matter is after Witcher 3 CDPR has proved they are more than capable of making GOTY hell game of the decade quality games while simultaneously not violtaing the trust of their consumers.
Opublikowana: 21 sierpnia 2018.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
47.5 godz. łącznie (46.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Excellent game, ubi has dont a fantastic job of fixing gameplay balances and ironing out the many tech issues that were present at launch. Being an avid CS player I really took to the game instantly, after not playing Siege for nearly 2 years (early-mid 2016) am glad I came back at to it since the game is at a much better state now. I remember very high ping severs and uplay constantly messing up the connection mid-game back then now almost all of that is gone, some minor tech issue are present but that depends from PC to PC. My only complaint is that the operators cost a lot of renown (in-game currency you get from playing) and if you get the starters edition even the basic operators takes 15-16 hours of play to unlock even one operator. The seaon pass opeartors are worse costing 25k nenown and taking almost 25-35 hours to unlock or cost 5 USD per operator which is a bit steep imo, other than that ranked matchmaking is still in beta and in a broken state even after so many years so they need that fixed as well. Also connections errors still exist but are less frequent than before.

Just dont buy the starters edition its not worth it as unlocking the other base operators will take a crap ton of time instead buy the standard edition or the more advanced editions if you want extra R6 credits (currency used to unlock yearly operators) or just flat out get them with the season passes/gold or complete editions. Lastly if you dont have a very powerful GPU avoid downloading the ultra hd textures DLC as it is a whopping 34gb download which you wont use if you dont have that sort of GPU and with each new operator and map that size keeps increasing so yeah go to Properties -> DLC -> unselect the ultra hd textures pack manually to stop it from downloading or even after you have downloaded to not use/remove it.
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 stycznia 2019.
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Według 11 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
22.6 godz. łącznie (22.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
A classic game wish they could make a proper sequel to this instead of making red faction armageddon, everything is destructable and you are rewarded for destroying the EDF's establisment, it has mechs as well and the side quests are really nice although a bit repetetive,Easily recommended at any price.
Opublikowana: 31 października 2016.
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Według 16 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
5.1 godz. łącznie
Heavily underrated perhaps it being a downloadable release or maybe because it came out after the worst CoJ game CoJ the cartel either way CoJ gunslinger deserves your attention.Set in the wild wild west you play as silas greaves a bounty hunter who is after the people who murdered his brothers turning him into a bounty hunter filled with rage, silas is old man sitting in a bar narrating his adventures to the people present there and this sets the game up perfectly coz the narration is excellent also thanks to this there are moments when some charcaters in the bar will say x event happened in x way and you will play though that but silas will give his take on what happened and you will play though it again but this time how silas sets it up and this gives the game a very unique feeling.Apart from the main campaign there are two other modes one for dualing with NPCs you will face in the campaign with 4 lives to complete and get the highest score,The other mode is where you must have to face endless enemies and chain the highest combos to get the highest scroes.These along with the new game+ mode add a lot of replayabilty to the title.The visual novel art style is brilliant.

The shooting mechanics feel tight and you chose from pistol,dual weilding pistols,long range rifle and shotgun along with dynamite throught your journey,Skill points help improve stats/wepons and some even unlock special abilites.
The concentration mode is a really useful feature in which the enemies are highlighted in red and time slow down so you can mow down enemies and your combo goes on much longer,it higher you score the faster the meter recharges.The sense of death is another feature which really comes in handy specially when playing in hard difficulty.This features allow you to avoid death by doging left or right, you will enter a cutscene and will see the killing shot coming from the enemy the bullet will either be coming in from left or right direction and in order to doge you have to move in the opposite direction of the bullet, time is slowed down but you can easily die if your timing is off.Unlike concentration mode this features gets recharged over time and is a passive ability which is auto triggered whereas concentraion is an active ability which you have to manually trigger.Finally the nuggets of truth are basically secrets hidden throughout the game and which tell the original tales of famous outlaws,localtions of events.The game is short and can be completed in 4-5 hours not including any of the other two modes or new game+ mode, personally as ive grown older ive found shorter games more enjoyable so this is a plus for me but it might be a turnoff for you,

If you havent figured out already i absolutely love gunslinger and can easily recommend it to anyone, i dont have much complains about the games only minor complain would be sometimes i had to swtich to normal mode coz my death felt cheap at certain points of the game and i didnt really like the dualing aspect all that much.I hope that we get another CoJ game similar to this either in downloadable form or full retail release.
Opublikowana: 2 października 2016.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
3.5 godz. łącznie (3.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I absolutely loved Far Cry 3 and having heard nothing but praises from everyone about blood dragon i decided to go ahead and buy it.Thing is wheather you will like blood dragon or not is solely depending upon on how much you are willing to overlook things.My biggest problem with BD is that it uses all the same mechanics from FC3 which is really annoying since it causes a disconnect,FC3 was pseudo realistic fps and encouraged realism but BD is the exact opposite.I also felt weird playing the game coz it essentially is reskinned version of FC3 although some of you may not have an issue with that.

The asthetics were very appealing as everything is neon filled from the enimes to the dragons to the buildings everything lit in neon colors.The comedy especially some of the dialouges are really hilarious.The outlandish over the top settings with robots,dinasours is really refreshing.The length is pretty short can be completed in 2-3 hours and if trying to get 100% can be done in 5-6 hours, this might be a turnoff for some people but i absolutely love short games as time is an issue as we get older.

Overall i have pretty mixed feelings for FC3 BD, i gave it a negative because of the huge disconnect between the game mechanics with the gameplay for example the hostage resuce missions are really a pain in the arse coz you have to be stealthy but its not enjoyable at all becuse of the way the mission is setup its nearly impossible to be not detected not to mention the fact you are encouraged throughout the game to blast your way though.I'd say if you want to pick it up do so when its discounted or maybe skip FC3 is a far superior game in every single way grab that if you dont already owe it.
Opublikowana: 2 października 2016.
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Według 31 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
11.1 godz. łącznie (9.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Evolve after going stage 2 has been constantly getting chunky balance updates quite frequently and i believe at some point there will be a Stage 3 or something similar when it reaches that satisfactory level.I played the beta phase and had it preorder but it really was a borefest before it hit stage 2 and thanks to it going f2p the playerbase jumped up massively.
One minor issue that i would say is the queue can sometimes be really brutal.I'd say if possible play with friends coz solo queing is really a pain in the ass.The problem with this sort of game it constantly needs balance updates and the devs have been doing that but i am waiting for things to settle down sinking more hours in it.
Opublikowana: 2 października 2016.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
33.7 godz. łącznie (33.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
One of the best open world game ive had the pleasure of playing.Mordor is perhaps the only game to sucessfully replicate the arkham style of combat and it does it pretty well.The visuals are very good even till this day.I havent had a single technical issue with this game which i cant say for a lot of games as of late.There are plenty of side activties to do and depending upon how many of you complete them your complete playthrough would be anywhere between 20-40 hours. The Nemesis System is really neat as if you die/fastforward time uruks will rankup/get promoted/get killed,etc.This system really adds a lot of value as you can sent death threats which will imrpove an warchiefs protection but you will have greater chances of getting epic runes, runes are items which adds special stats or even in some cases even immunity against certain things or just new ability in genrel.My only complain would be the story is pretty meh, the voice acting is really on point and cutscenes are few and skippable.
Opublikowana: 28 września 2016.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 38 pozycji