YES, I'm a boy AND a gamer. NO, you can't play with me! xD

If you want to play with me:

1. Don't treat me differently than any other gamer. Just because I have a peepee doesn't mean I'm special, although compliments are nice :>

2. No jokes please! I know you probably don't mean anything by it but when i get nervous I tend to shoot teammates hehe~

3. Do not add me without permission! I know you probably don't get out much, and boys might seem like a rarity to you... but I have too many friends as it is!~

Oh and, don't hit on me you silly girls<3
BonzaiTree 2013 年 10 月 12 日 上午 10:20 
Hey so I hear you're a boy gamer. We should totally hang out some time. Show me your boobs.
FrostBite151 2010 年 8 月 12 日 下午 5:16 
Good times shooting them up!

Dont delete my comment!